Cycloferon, instructions for use

Cycloferon, instructions for use

Cycloferon - antiviral, immunostimulating agent produced in the form of tablets, ampoules or ointments. It has a comprehensive effect on a number of diseases.

Cycloferon: Description

The effect of the medication is based on the induction of antiviral proteins-interferon, thanks to which the cells of the body are strongly resisted by the invasion of viruses. A particularly effective tool has shown itself against hepatitis, influenza causative agents, ORVI for 1-5 days after infection. In addition to preventing penetration into cells, cycloferon reduces the possibility of viruses to give offspring and renew the disease. The remedy begins to derive from the body in a day, falling into the blood 2 hours after the admission. Not accumulated in tissues, subject to admission rules.

The use of cycloferon

It is recommended to adults and children from 4 years, it is used for the complex treatment of colds, as well as in the occurrence of herpes. Must be consumed once a day, before meals, in such dosages:

  • less than 6 years -1 tablet, drink half a glass of water without chewing;
  • up to 11 years - up to 2 tablets;
  • teens and adults - up to 4 tablets per day, no more than 3 weeks.

Cycle of treatment cycloferon

If the cure symptoms does not occur after 3 weeks, the cycloferon should be replaced with another medicine, according to the recommendation of the health worker. The initial reception course should occur as follows:

  • to get rid of influenza, take a total of 20 tablets to the first, second and further every 2 days, with the appearance of the first signs of the disease. Can be used together with antipyretic, painkillers with mucus drugs; A dose increase is allowed to 6 tablets with severe cold;
  • for herpes, the course is 40 tablets that are used by days from the first symptoms, 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 11, 14, 17, 20 and 23 days (the better);
  • in children with ARVI: 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 11, 14, 17, 20, 23, 23 days, for 5 - 10 receptions;
  • in herpes in children - in the above dosage on 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 11, 14 days;
  • for prevention (in case of contact with infected): We take on 1, 2, 4, 6, 8th day, with a break for 3 days and subsequent use every 3, up to 23 days.

For the treatment of other cycloferon disease

The cycloferon can be registered by the doctor against the following diseases that require additional control and surveillance:

  • hepatitis in \\ s;
  • intestinal diseases;
  • lyme disease, meningitis;
  • HIV and secondary immunodeficiency
  • cytomegaloviruses, chlamydia;
  • diseases of the joints and connecting tissues;

Caution and contraindications

When using cycloferon, allergic reactions may occur. The drug is contraindicated in pregnant women at any stage of the fetus and during feeding period, as well as with cirrhosis of the liver. Patients with thyroid disease must be previously observed at the endocrinologist. It is allowed to use cycloferon when driving a vehicle or managing mechanisms.

The cycloferon is released by the recipe and can interact with other medicines, reinforcing their effect.

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