Kagocel, instructions for use

Kagocel, instructions for use

Kagocel - drug with antiviral and immunomodulatory effects obtained synthetically from cotton seed components. It is active against viral infections: as a treatment and as prophylaxis.

General characteristics Kagocel

The manufacturer produces "out" in tablet form Kagocel - 10 tablets in a blister (12 mg Kagocel each). Tablets cream or brownish with small patches of shape - convex. As additional components used potato starch, ludipress (by direct compression lactose), calcium stearate.
Kagocel mechanism of action is to stimulate the body's own immune system - or rather, develop "their" interferons. With this drug has direct multiple effects:

  • antiviral;
  • antimicrobial;
  • immunostimulant;
  • radioprotective.

At daily application maximally accumulated in the liver, spleen and lymph nodes. After a full course of an increased level of interferon in the plasma keeps for about a week.
Kagocel non-toxic, derived mainly from the feces and partially - in the urine.

Scope of use Kagocel

Given the high activity against viruses, Kagocel prescribed in the following cases:
influenza, acute respiratory infection;

  • herpes;
  • in the scheme of treatment of chlamydia (urogenital form);
  • as a prophylactic against influenza and SARS in the epidemic period.

It is noteworthy that most the maximum therapeutic effect of the immunomodulator shows that if treatment is started early (within 4 days after the first symptoms of the disease). For the prevention of influenza and colds no such restriction - the drug will "work" before exposure to the virus, and after.

How to treat a cold during pregnancy

Dosage Kagocel

Features Kagocel reception has not - tablet taken orally without food, drink liquid.

The main therapeutic doses of the Kagocel are as follows:

  1. Cold, flu:
  • adults - 18 tablets for 4 days with a 3-fold reception (2 days - 6 tablets + 2 days 3 pills);
  • children over 6 years old: 10 tablets for 4 days (2 days for 1 tablet three times a day + 2 days 1 tablet twice a day);
  • children from 3 to 6 years old: 6 tablets for 4 days (2 days 1 pill twice a day + 2 days 1 tablet per day).

2. Herpes, urogenital chlamydia:

  • adults - a 5-day course of 6 tablets per day with a 3-fold reception.

3. Prevention of influenza and ORVI:

  • adults - cycles (2 days for 2 tablets per day + 5 days without drug);
  • children: cycles (2 days 1 tablet per day + 5 days without drug).

The doctor can change the specified treatment schemes, given your individual features and severity of the disease.

Contraindications, side effects of kagocel

The number of states when the reception of the kagocel is not recommended, got:

  • intolerance to the components of the drug (galactose, lactase insufficiency, violation of the processes of glucose-galactose absorption) or its active substance;
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • children's age up to 3 years.

Kague is well tolerated by the body, however, sometimes taking the drug caused allergic reactions.

additional information

Kagelin works perfectly together with other drugs of a similar scope - antiviral, immunomodulators, as well as antibiotics.
Overdose cases are not registered. However, when the recommended dose is exceeded, dyspepsic disorders (nausea, vomiting, epigastric pain) may occur. In this case, you need to stop taking the immunomodulator and rinse the stomach.
You can store the Kagelin at room temperature (but not more than + 25c and away from sunlight) to 2 years from the date of production.

Kagelin is an immunomodulator for which it is clearly distinguished by a place in its first-aid kit, especially during flu epideasone and colds. You just need to not start the infection and do not move away from the treatment regimen.

Comments leave a comment
Anna 18/10/2016 at 15:13

The drug is strong and good, but the immunity is coming, in my opinion. For the second month, I have to drink it courses. Colleagues advise to try the barrier reef while immunity will not restore, but I somehow do not trust this new items.

Ekaterina 10/20/2016 at 21:35

This is for us the barrier reef novelty. And in the West and in Japan, they have long been using everything. I personally like it, the only thing that you need to update it in time, I forgot, the action ended, and got sick. And if he was replaced by Sasha - so far everything would be fine.


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