How to give dill water newborn

How to give dill water newborn

Very often, the newly minted parents face such a problem as the colic of newborns, the bloating of the tummy or increased gas formation. This happens, regardless of whether the baby is powered only by breast milk or is on artificial or mixed feeding. Drug drugs give such babies - not a way out, so dill water has become salvation for many tumors.

Dill water from Fennel, he is a pharmacy dill, you can buy in a pharmacy in the form of essential oil, pharmacy tea for newborns or prepare independently of fenhel fruit.

It is easiest to brew ready-made dill water from individual bags of Plantex tea or to bring instant HiPP tea. The advantage of these drugs is a relatively long shelf life and preparation rate. However, this method may not suit the adherents of natural healing agents. In addition, there is another stopping factor - quite a high price.

To prepare dill water based on Fennel essential oil, take fennel and boiled water in a 1: 1000 ratio. The shelf life of such a drink is about 30 days in the refrigerator.

Finally, dill water can be fed using a pharmacy dill in a dry form. To do this, pour a glass of boiling water 2 g of Fennel, let it brew for about an hour and strain with gauze. Such a decoction of doctors recommend to give the kids freshly prepared.

Dosage of dill water depends on the age of the baby and the individual reaction. Although cases of allergies on Fennel is very rare, the first time you need to give a child quite a bit - a teaspoon. In the absence of an allergic reaction, you can increase the amount of up to three teaspoons per day, with time, bringing the dosage to 5-7 spoons per day. The decoction is given before meal, the temperature is room.

In addition to eliminating the problem of meteorism, Fennel has many useful properties. But moms should remember that the use of fennel does not allow one hundred percent result. In addition, before applying dill water, it is necessary to make sure that the baby has no more serious problems with digestion.

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Ksenia 20/08/2019 at 2:39.

the son from the dill water was only worse, the chair was forgiven this ... horror ... and they spoiled all the time. The bottles categorically did not take the Son, gave a syringe for the cheek. Well, Bubbi Kalm saw without problems, did not even frowned. It is fully natural - dill, anise and mint oil.

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Anastasia 14/11/2020 at 0:48.

I, too, never gave this river water, in addition to the blink also, the constipation was also ((I used only Glycelax candles, they are small in size, they act quickly, gently and efficiently.

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