What a mixture is better for a newborn

What a mixture is better for a newborn

Best food for the newborn - Mamino breast milk. But for various reasons, young mothers have to choose artificial blends for their baby. Choosing baby food is great. In order not to be lost and acquire a high-quality suitable mixture, you must first consult with a pediatrician - assessing the health status, the doctor will help determine the choice of food for a child.

First of all, you need to exclude from the list of potential purchases of a mixture of little-known brands. Although the price of the popular goods invest the cost of advertising and packaging, but on the other hand, the well-known brands value their reputation - nutrition is carefully checked and has many years of recommendations of specialized organizations and consumers. It is also not necessary to purchase promotional goods, with a disturbed packaging. Such purchases can badly affect the health of the baby.

At each stage of age development, the baby needs a certain number of microelements and vitamins, fats, carbohydrates and proteins. Violation of proportions will reduce immunity, tummy and chairs, problems in weight gain. Therefore, the best mixture is suitable for the composition for a specific age of a child. On the packaging of baby food, the recommended age or number from 1 to 5 is required. These figures indicate the level of adaptation of the mixture in composition to breast milk. The smallest kids need the most close to breast milk food - this mixture will be denoted under No. 1. The higher the number, the composition of the mixture is less adapted.

For the full growth of the child in the mixture must be attended by:

  • carbohydrates in the form of lactose;
  • proteins;
  • omega fatty acids 3 and omega 6;
  • iodine;
  • taurine.

In terms of adaptation, the mixture is divided into:

  1. Adapted. The composition is most close to breast milk. Special serum is added to such mixtures, which contributes to an easy assimilation of cow or goat milk. Suitable for children of the first half of life. The adapted mixture of the Nestle brand has positively proven.
  2. Partially adapted. Recommended for food of children from 7 months. Such mixtures add additional vitamin complexes, lactobacillia.

According to the use of milk, mixtures are separated:

  • From cow's milk. Are the most common and affordable.
  • From goat milk. Apply in case of allergies or poor assimilation by a child of cow's milk.
  • Unpleasant give babies with an increased risk of developing allergic reactions to milk.
  • Equal milk (with the addition of useful bifidobacteria).

In the form of release are:

  1. Dry mixes. They need to be breeded with water, but they are long stored and cost the amount of ready-made mixes.
  2. Liquid - already ready for use, you only need to warm up.

For medical testimony, a pediatrician can offer special mixtures:

  • In the intestinal diseases, mixtures with probiotics are suitable. For example, NaN milk mixture.
  • With a tendency to allergic reactions, it is better to choose hypoallergenic mixtures: Nanny, Friso, Nutrilon.
  • With a lack of iron (anemia), mixtures enriched with an element of ENFAMIL with iron are used.
  • With frequent joins, antirefluxic mixtures are recommended: Nutrilac, Babushkino Lukoshko, ENFAMIL - AR.
  • Premature babies choose enriched nutritional mixtures: pre-nan, Natal, ENFALEK.

The most common and conquered positive recommendation of consumers of the mixture:

  1. NaN NEntle Mixture. Produced for newborns, children up to six months, up to a year and older. The manufacturer positions the mixture as a full nutrition and additional lures. The composition of the mixture is balanced, enriched with vitamins.
  2. The mixture of Humana is as close as possible in the composition of the breast milk.
  3. For healthy newborn babies, a mixture of Nutrilon is intended. Prevents the appearance of colic and blooming the tummy.
  4. Specific mixtures designed for use with various diseases produces a brand "Nutrilac".

The mixture must be replaced urgently if:

  • worried kid bloating, colic;
  • any allergic reactions appeared, including rash;
  • the toddler chair has changed, its regularity;
  • the child categorically refuses to feed.

There is no single advice, what mixture to choose. What approached one child can become unacceptable for another, cause any negative reaction. But a thorough choice of products, the consultation of the pediatrician, the reviews of "experienced" mothers and attention to changes in the behavior of a child will help make the right choice for your beloved baby.

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