How to raise lactation

How to raise lactation

Breastfeeding need newborn. Mamin milk contains all vitamins and trace elements necessary for the full development of a healthy child. Close emotional contact of the child and mom during feeding lays the foundations of the formation of psychological and personal qualities of the baby. But sometimes the desire to feed the breast is disturbed by the disadvantage of milk generation. What is the reason and how to keep lactation?

At the first symptoms of the extrusion of milk generation, you need to contact a mammologist to clarify the reasons and solving the problem. In 5% of cases of stopping lactation, hormonal disorders are caused. Such a state of analysis is diagnosed and treated with hormonal drugs. But in most cases, the reasons arise in the improper breastfeeding organization:

  • scheduled feeding;
  • violation of a diet for a nursing mother;
  • stress, long-lasting experiences, emotional stress;
  • kid feeding;
  • negative psychological attitude of a woman.

Nursing mom needs to consume the required amount of proteins, vitamins and minerals. Mandatory daily products should be cottage cheese, fish, white chicken meat, milk, cheese. You must not forget drinking up to 2 l liquid per day. You can replenish the reserves of the vitamin and mineral complex using special polyvitamins for the nursing mothers "Materna", "Gendevit". It is recommended to drink warm tea with milk before feeding the baby.

To increase lactation, there are various mixtures, teas and homeopathic preparations:

  • dry mixes "Femilak", "Olympic", "Enfa - Mom";
  • chips "Hipp", "Babushkino Lukoshko", Babivita;
  • Bada "Lactogon", "Apilak", "Malkoin".

The prolactin hormone is a regulator of breast milk. The most actively produced at night. Therefore, it is impossible to exclude the night feeding of a child. In addition, the frequent applying to the baby's chest helps to increase the prolactin in the body of a woman. The more often the child sucks the chest - the more milk will arrive. It is for this reason that, with a decrease in the production of breast milk, it is recommended to stirring.

An effective means for increasing lactation consider breast massage. On the palms warm the natural oil. Special oils for nursing mothers offer brands Weleda, MamaComfort, Chicco. We put one hand under the chest, the other - on top. Smooth massage movements are sworded clockwise for a few minutes. No need to lubricate the nipples and halo oil. If this happened - wash carefully to avoid child poisoning with oil. You can massage the chest with the help of a contrasting soul, conducting a jet of water in a circle - temperature drops not only stimulates the production of milk, but also strengthens the chest.

Help increased the number of breast milk People's recipes:

  • Carrot cocktail: a pair of tablespoons of a grated carrot put in a glass of warm milk and add honey to taste.
  • to lose the handful of cumin seeds and boil in 200 g sour cream. Take on a tablespoon before meals.
  • Crushed walnuts Stir with honey. Use a teaspoon to 5 times a day.
  • Teas with the addition of oregano, melissa, anise, viburnum and milk contribute to an increase in the production of breast milk.
  • Helps in disruption of lactation of radish juice. It needs to be diluted with water and add honey.

Do not despair and immediately translate the child on the mixture. Most of the problems that cause lactation disorders are quite solvable. It is only a little patience and a great desire. The health of the baby requires zeal and care, because so far there is no accurate analogs of breast milk, and therefore the child will launch such necessary trace elements, and which is especially important, with nothing comparable applied to the mother's chest.

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Rita 08/14/2018 at 21:45.

When for about three months I have noticeably more than milk I had to make an effort. Bust drink is the main thing, all anything milk, green tea, herbal tea I saw lactoma Three four. Lactation has improved. He would be a desire.

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