How to grind breast milk with hands

How to grind breast milk with hands

Breast milk is the best food for a newborn. To stimulate lactation, regular feeding and pressureing is needed. For pressure, you can use the breastsos or to send milk with your hands.

Why don't fit? If you have little milk and the baby is missing it, it is a great way to stimulate lactation. Immediately after feeding, remove the residues of the milk to the last drop. Do not take the baby from the chest, even if you do not hear that the child swallows. Breast stimulation will help increase the amount of milk.

Methods for complaining breast milk:

  • manual;
  • with the help of breastsos;
  • warm bottle method.

How to grind breast milk with hands

If you decide to leave the crumb to a briefly and you need to go urgently, you will have to send milk and freeze it. From the frozen you can cook porridge and use for the preparation of different dishes for the baby.

How to grind breast milk with hands

Sit on the chair and learn about the back, relax. Pressing movements massaging the chest towards the nipple from the nipple. In no case, do not press on Arega, this is the end point of milk arrival, here it is very much. Try to start working with breast massage in the upper part of it. Gradually move to the nipple. It is impossible to delay the nipple and pressed on it, so you can provoke cracks. Only if you feel that the chest is soft and empty, you can proceed with pressure on the Area.

How to grind breast milk with hands

If you have lactostasis and temperatures have risen, you must fully write the chest. To do this, take a warm shower. Direct the jets of warm water to the mammary glands. With effort massaging them, breaking the solid areas. You will feel pain, but you need to endure and continue to make a massage. After that, with the effort, press the chest stroking it. Work from top to bottom. Basically, the decolment occurs due to the work of the thumb. Alternate the mammary glands to relax hands. At the initial stage, use a warm bottle or breast pump.

How to grind breast milk with hands

Initially, you can use the warm bottle method. To do this, pour into it very hot water (almost boiling water) and leave a container for several minutes. Drain the water and cool the neck. Take a bottle into hand with the help of fabric not to burn. Press the neck to the nipple. As the glass is cooling, the nipple will be drawn, and milk flows from the chest. The remains of milk are hand.

How to grind breast milk with hands

With a strong breast filling after feeding, attach a cold cabbage sheet, it will slightly reduce lactation. If you complete breastfeeding, you can not do without induction. In case of pain in the chest and the occurrence of seals, be sure to join some milk. Adjust on the chest is only in the area of \u200b\u200bthe armpits and on top of the breast. To simplify the task a little, lubricate the skin with a petroleummy or baby oil. Slip movements pressed on the chest. After the procedure, wash your skin with soap.

How to grind breast milk with hands

With a large breast size, all the milk is fully problematic. In no case do not ask the husband to suck the milk. The technique of sucking in children and adults is different, so you will not be able to completely empty the chest.

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