How to make artificial respiration

How to make artificial respiration

Artificial respiration is included in the set of events, which are aimed at restoring and maintaining human vital activity. Each pulmonary resuscitation skills should have to be able to provide urgent assistance to the victim to a person before the arrival of ambulance.

Before proceeding to manipulation, it is necessary to check the presence of a pulse, breathing and call ambulance. Apply to the mouth of the affected mirror or hand, if a person breathes, the glass is noticeable, and the stream of exhaled air will be felt on his hand. Pulse is better to check on the carotid artery. To do this, put two fingers on the neck of the victim, under the cheekbones and skip the soft recess in which the blood vessel is located.

In most cases, artificial respiration is made in a complex with an indirect heart massage. But sometimes there is no breathing, and the heart continues to fight, in this case only artificial respiration is made.

Rescuers-spending-cardiovascular and resuscitation

The sequence of actions during the performance of artificial respiration "mouth in the mouth" is as follows:

  • Put the victim on a flat, solid surface or put the board under the back and unzip the gate of the clothes.
  • Put under the neck of the affected roller and slightly tighten his head back so that the language does not cover the respiratory tract. If there is a probability of spine injury, the position of the head is not desirable to change.
  • Check the presence of vomit masses or foreign contents. If they are, turn the head of the side, turn on two fingers of the handkerchief or napkin and free the oral cavity;
  • Sit down to the left of the victim, put it on the mouth of gauze or handkerchief, close your nose tightly with your fingers.
  • Take a deep breath, grab the lips of the affected mouth and make a smooth, strong exhalation. After that, the breast cell of the victim should rise and independently, calmly fall. If this did not happen, it means that the respiratory tract is blocked. The chin must be pulled up a little more and repeat the exhale again.
  • After 4 seconds, the exhalation must be repeated, after which there is no pulse, make an indirect heart massage.

Artificial respiration "mouth to the nose" is performed if the affected mouth does not appear possible. The technique of performing artificial respiration "mouth to the nose" is similar, with the difference that it is not nose tightly cover, but the mouth of the victim. Air exhale, respectively, through nostrils.

For a minute, an adult need to make 10-12 enters, and the child is 15-18. It should be borne in mind that children have the volume of lungs less than in an adult, and blowing should be smooth and incomplete.

To restore cardiac activity, put your palms on the chest, straighten your hands in the elbows and take 15 sharp and very strong presses.

Continue to perform 2 breaths, with an interval of 3-4 seconds, and 15 pressing on the chest until the emergence of the first signs of life. In total, per minute need to perform 60-80 pages on the chest.

The causes of the respiratory stop can be a shock, poisoning, traumatic shock, drowning. To perform manipulations should always be proceeded. It is impossible to perform a pulmonary resuscitation if there are signs of even weak breathing.

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