What to do if you hit the current

What to do if you hit the current

A faulty electrical appliance can be serious, and sometimes even a deadly threat to people. If a person came under the electric current, then the longer it will be in this position, the more dangerous, and if it is not possible to free it in time - a fatal outcome can come. With damage to the muscle current, it is reduced, and even if the contact happened with hand, it is almost impossible to free himself. We will tell you how to save the victim and what kind of help to give it.

If a person hit the current, the first thing it needs to be released, that is, stop the flow of the current or interrupt its contact with the ground. When there is such an opportunity, it is recommended to turn off the machines in the shield or unscrew the plugs. Well, if the shield is equipped with the UDO device, then the shutdown will automatically happen. But if you can't do this, you should try to move the victim from a dangerous site. Touching open areas of the body is categorically prohibited, since the body conducts electricity. It is necessary to pull for clothes if it is dry. If you have rubber gloves, you should use them or wrap your hands with some dry cloth. Put any insulator, for example, a rubber mat, not a wet board, or roll dry clothes. And only then, standing on an insulated stand and with protected hands, free the victim.

If you hit the electric current and help no one, then try not to lose and lose self-control. The first thing to lift one leg, so you reduce the flow area in the ground, and then grouper and jump, at the same time unzip the hand, which reduces the current. When contact with the Earth stops, the muscles will cease to reduce the cramp from the action of electricity, and at this moment you can get rid of a bare wire or a faulty instrument.

After you managed to free a person from shocking, you need to quickly determine what kind of help it needs. If the victim has no consciousness, it is necessary to check the presence of a pulse and respiration, but the first help should be provided even in the absence of breathing. If signs of life are found, then put it on your back, and turn your head on the side so that the language does not blocked the breath. Then the victim need to be returned to consciousness, for this you can sprinkle with water in the face, pat on the cheeks or give a sniffing alcohol. When a person comes into consciousness, give him a sedative, let's drink tea, put it in warmth. Before the arrival of the doctor, do not leave unattended!

If the victim is a weak pulse and breath uneven, you need to start making artificial respiration and indirect heart massage. These assistance measures should be continued until the doctor arrives. Even in the absence of breathing, it is impossible to assume that the person is dead, do everything that the breath is recovered, and the pulse has normalized, no matter how much time has passed.

A few days affected by the current should be held under the supervision of the doctor so that there was no relapse with the cessation of breathing and stopping the heart.

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