What to do when frostbite

What to do when frostbite

The first signs of frostbite of the legs usually do not bring discomfort - light burning and tingling are not perceived seriously. Without a doctor, it is difficult to determine the degree of frostbite, so when symptoms appear, it is necessary to urgently call an ambulance for the victim. Before the arrival of doctors, reserve the first help in the patient.

With a light degree of frostbite leather whites, sensitivity deteriorates. After heating, the area becomes a blue-crimson, strongly hurts. Transfer the patient to the warm room, remove the clothes. Distribute the finiteness before redness (processing the skin will have long), the legs must restore mobility. Rubbing arm, effortlessly, in order to avoid skin damage. After the procedure, impose a gauze bandage.

You can not affect the skin area if bubbles appeared. In this case, cover the damaged marlay area and urgently contact your doctor. Cut the patient to drink hot tea, coffee or wine, eat a piece of sugar or several glucose tablets. Intravenously can be introduced a warm solution of 5% glucose or sodium chlorine.

A good effect gives a warm bath for the whole body or for feet only. At first, lower the legs in the bath with water +24 degrees per 1 minute. Woot out, but do not rub. Type with warm water, not more than +30 degrees, for half an hour, increase it to +39 degrees. Frue legs scroll with a light massage right in the water. Massage start with fingertips, moving up. A sign of blood circulation recovery - the appearance of skin sensitivity. During the procedure, control blood pressure.

After the bath legs, wipe out, smear olive oil, put your fingers to the bandage strips, cover the gauze and a thick layer of cotton wool. Top all clotch cellophane. After half an hour, the result should appear. If the procedures did not help, call the doctor.

Before the emergence of the ambulance, put on a smooth plot with a slight bias down. It is not recommended to do sharp movements. When the limb will begin to disappear, strong pain will arise. For her removal, give a patient anesthetic - analgin, but-shlu, papaverine.

If you can not take a bath, wrap the victim in a warmed blanket or any warm things, put the legs with the rains. Fruent plot can be lubricated with alcohol to improve blood circulation and a vaseline or antiseptic. After 10-20 minutes, relief will come.

With severe frostbite, swelling appear, spreading beyond the limits of the lesion section, bubbles occur, skin color - from dark red to blue. Such victims must be transferred, rather than dragging - bones in the frost become fragile and can break.

Highly frostbed people are not tolerated into heat immediately, strong pains will occur in the limbs. Frozen legs scroll to warming and only then put into the house. Follow the legs with cold water, cover with a cold towel for a few minutes, thus you can avoid pain.

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In the room, run the frostbed section with water, after warming, drink tea, coffee and heat heat. If damage is taken by a wound character, lubricate them with solicoryli oil, inherries or shovekovek balsa. To quickly restore the blood circulation, wrap the wool extremities and fix the position in the raised position. Fix the legs in a fixed state with knobs or a dense cardboard. If frostpler sections begin to black, the patient must be urgently transported to the hospital.

Foot frostbite is due to cramped and wet shoes. Therefore, in the winter it is necessary to wear loose shoes and woolen socks that absorb sweat.

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