Why vessels burst in eyes

Why vessels burst in eyes

It is impossible to imagine a person who would never come across such a problem, as the vessels burst in the eyes. This problem is common and has many reasons. Each at least once in life, approaching the mirror, noticed a clear eye redness. This condition is accompanied by burning, itching, and sometimes pain. In this article we will analyze why vessels burst in the eyes. What is this phenomenon, and can it be prevented.

Burst vessels in their eyes because of their fatigue

The most common cause of eye redness is frequent and a long pastime behind the computer. The effect of unfavorable conditions for the eye can provoke a break of thin eye capillaries. The bright light of halogen lamps is harmful to the eyes and sleepless nights.


Burst vessels in the eyes due to injury

Direct contact with the eye in the form of some injury can cause the tear of the blood vessels of the eye. This can happen when the eye is irritated from the foreign body (for example, small particles, such as dust or grain), while the eye is usually treated. What is categorically contraindicated. The rupture of vessels can happen from hitting the sharp object.

Burst vessels in the eyes due to strong voltage

Another reason that blood vessels can burst - voltage. The gap sometimes happens with such functions of the body as sneezing, cough or vomiting. In case of weightlifting or simply at large physical exertion. Separately, it should be noted constipation. It is a common cause of subconjunctive hemorrhage.


Breaks of eye vessels due to diabetic disease

Some diabetes patients may suffer from eye disease, which is characterized by an increased fragility of blood capillaries of the eye. Sometimes patients instantly lose sight in the patient. For this reason, suffering from diabetes must visit the eye doctor regularly to prevent the occurrence of this state.


Vessels burst in eyes due to high blood pressure

This is a frequent cause of burst vessels in the eyes. Arterial hypertension is usually accompanied by narrowing vessels. At the same time, the pressure on their walls is strongly rising. Since the capillaries of the eyes are thin and gentle, they are very sensitive to pressure drops. These are the first vessels that can burst with hypertension. The sharp drops of blood pressure are especially dangerous.

High Hell

Burst vessels in the eyes due to stress

Stress accompanies us everywhere: at home, at work, on the road. It is often difficult to avoid a stressful situation. However, we must strive to minimize its influence on our body.

Burst vessels in the eyes due to contact lenses

If contact lenses are incorrectly chosen, they can injure eye. What leads to hemorrhage. Be sure to follow the moisture content of the eyes.


Burst vessels in the eyes due to drugs

Medications containing aspirin increase the risk of bleeding. Horn for eyes and allergic reactions to drugs.


Adjust the diet so that the vessels do not burst in the eyes

Proper nutrition is very important in vessel health value. To have healthy and strong vessels, you should eat more vegetables and fruits. Very useful salad, spinach, dill, broccoli. They contain a large amount of substances that strengthen eye vessels. The gap of capillaries is sometimes associated with vitaminosis.


Burst vessels in the eyes due to smoking

Often, complaints about the incidence of capillaries can be heard from avid smokers. It is not surprising, because in this case there are two negative factor: the caustic smoke that dries the mucous membranes and nicotine, from which the vessels become fragile.

Damage harm

The burst capillaries in the majority of cases are only a cosmetic problem, but sometimes there may be a symptom of a serious illness. Do not panic! This does not mean that you are in the immediate danger from the stroke or that you have a brain tumor. In fact, it can happen without any visible reason at all. It may look a little unsightly for some time, but soon disappears without leaving the trace.

Consult a doctor if you experience the paton-infinitive hemorrhage if you notice any changes in vision, there is a history of bleeding disorder or high blood pressure, or you injured the eye.

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