What shows MRI brain

What shows MRI brain

Magnetic resonance tomography is one of the most progressive and effective methods for diagnosing brain diseases, especially neurological origin. The MRI method is to study the individual layers of the brain and identify anomalies in its structure.

Conducting MRI is necessary in cranial and brain injuries, periodic dizziness, often repeated headaches, the total weakness of the organism. All these symptoms can be a signal about hazardous diseases. MRI method allows you to diagnose them in the early stages and begin timely treatment. In patients with already established diagnoses, for example, oncological diseases of the brain, multiple sclerosis, stroke or ischemia, MRI helps a thorough control over the disease, the effectiveness of therapeutic process.

The use of MRI in the presence of a stroke allows you to establish the degree of ischemic and hemorrhagic lesions, determine the risk of developing the brain infarction. Using MRI, it is possible to establish how effective thrombolytic therapy will be in this case.

For patients with diagnosed brain tumors in the process of research, areas are determined on which specially malignant fragments are located in order to conduct a stereotactic biopsy. MRI allows you to plan operations to remove the brain tumor with the least possible risk of lesion of basic functions.

MRI is the only method of accurate diagnosis of multiple sclerosis, since the results of such a study show the presence and location of sclerotic plaques, and also reveal the possible processes of active inflammatory demyelinization.

There are various MRI modes for examining a cerebral cerebral system, testing brain tissue for the presence of hematomas, aneurysm and various vascular defaults. It is possible to obtain an exhaustive and visual picture of the state of the orbit of the eye, pituitary gland, cerebellum, epiphyse and other brain departments.

It is difficult to overestimate the value of the magnetic resonance imaging of the brain not only for particularly accurate diagnosis, but also for further control of the process of treating a variety of diseases.

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