How to suspect the neoplasm in your body

How to suspect the neoplasm in your body

None of us is insured against the occurrence of the tumor process. Every minute in our body several cancer cells are formed. But the specialized department of our immune system is at the guard of our body. Sometimes there are flaws, and tumor cells begin to share intensively. The further fate of the person depends on the type of tumor, its localization and timeliness of appeal to the doctor. There are a number of symptoms for which you can detect new formation in time and get a good chance for recovery.

Main types of tumor

All tumors are divided into two fundamentally different types, from which their treatment depends, the forecast for life and symptomatics. A favorable option is a benign tumor. It grows slowly and does not give metastasis, which strongly reduces the patient's chance for recovery. Oncological surgeons are successfully coped with a benign tumor process. Malignant tumors are uncontrollable and grow rapidly, and most importantly, they give metastasis. As a result, malignant cells are spread throughout the body, which also begin to grow.

Causes of new formation

At the cells of our body there is a self-destruction mechanism - apoptosis. It contributes to the update of the cells. For various reasons, this mechanism can cease to work adequately, which leads to an uncontrolled and rapid division of the affected cell in geometric progression. The population of the "immortal" cells begins to exhaust the body, taking all the resources from him.

Violation of cell division control can occur when irritating or damage. It happens when smoking, drinking hot tea, rubbing the legs of a poorly selected focus and even when sunbathing on the beach. There is also a viral theory of provoking an oncological process. The connection between the admission of some medicines and neoplasms is traced. Some role is played by hereditary factors.

General symptoms with neoplasms

  • A rapid decrease in body weight, which is associated with the high costs of the body's resources on tumor growth.
  • Incixation of the body. Manifests general weakness, nausea, increasing temperature and headache. The cause of intoxication is the collapse of tumor cells.
  • An increase in lymph nodes. This is due to the fact that metastases first come to the nearest lymph nodes. At this stage, there are still chances to remove the main tumor with amazed lymph nodes and achieve full cure.

Specific symptoms for tumors of different location

  • Brain tumors lead to an increase in intracranial pressure. This is manifested by a strong headache, nausea and vomiting, which does not bring relief. The vision and coordination of movements may also deteriorate, the loss of consciousness and convulsions may occur. Sometimes it reaches epileptic seizures.
  • Large tumors lead to a change in voice, permanent sensation of lumps in the throat and impaired air passability. Visually you can see the shift of the larynx to the side and its deformation.
  • The tumors of the esophagus are manifested by the difficult-to-hard food, which is accompanied by pain. Sometimes the tumor is so big that all food returns back.
  • Intestinal tumors can cause diarrhea and intestinal obstruction. Often, at the same time, patients arise a disgust for meat products. The tumor can be forgiven through the front abdominal wall.
  • With the breast tumor, its deformation occurs, the nipple retraction and uncharacteristic selection with its duct. Most often they are bloody.
  • Prostate tumor makes it difficult for urine outflow and violates the erection. This state leads to the overflow of the bladder. In the case of its breakthrough, peritonitis may occur.

These are the most common symptoms in typical localizations of tumors. Oncological diseases need to be identified in the early stages. For this you need to pass planned medical examinations. When making metastasis, successful treatment becomes unlikely.

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