How to suspect and treat diabetes

How to suspect and treat diabetes

Diabetes is an endocrinological disease, the cause of which is insufficient insulin production or the insensitivity of the cell cells to it. In consequence, blood glucose increases, which leads to the defeat of various organs and organism systems.

Insulin-dependent sugar diabetes

This type of diabetes is manifests in childhood. It is connected with insulted insulin production by the cells of the pancreas. Insulin, acting on certain cells of the body, should move excess glucose in them. If this does not happen, the blood glucose level is growing. This type of diabetes is more severe.

Insulin-dependent sugar diabetes

This type of diabetes is occurring more often after 40 years. The cause of it is not an insulin deficiency, but the loss of sensitivity to it cells of the body. In most cases, it provides an excess body mass, which violates the regulation of the level of glycemia. This diabetes occurs more mildly and in the first stages requires only diet compliance.

Basic symptoms of diabetes

  • Thirst. One of the first symptoms is a strong thirst (polydipsy), which is associated with massive loss of fluid throughout the day.
  • Frequent urination. Thirst accompany frequent trips to the toilet (polyuria), which is associated with the ability of glucose to pull water when passing through the tube of nephron. The amount of selected urine can reach 5-10 liters per day.
  • The smell of acetone from mouth. In diabetes, the blood glucose level is elevated, but the cells of the body suffer from its deficit. This includes mechanisms aimed at an even greater increase in glucose levels. Glucose large stock is in fatty cells. The process of firing decay (lipolysis) is activated, in which triglycerides, water and ketone bodies are applied. It is an elevated level of ketone bodies is the cause of the smell of acetone from the mouth. Urine can also have the smell of acetone.
  • Loss of body weight. This symptom is associated with intensive fat burning, as mentioned above.
  • Numbness of the limbs. A long course of diabetes mellitus leads to deposition of cholesterol on the walls of the vessels. This worsens blood flow to tissues. First of all, the most distant parts of the body are the feet. It is manifested by the peeling, convulsions and the formation of trophic ulcers that do not heal for a long time.
  • Impairment. With diabetes, the vessels of the retina of the eye (angiopathy) are affected. This reduces the view and can lead to blindness.
  • Neurological disorders. High glucose is striking nervous fibers. This leads to a violation of the trophic function of the autonomic nervous system. It is manifested by increased sweating or dry skin, hair loss on the limbs and trophic ulcers.
  • Kidney defeat. In diabetes, diabetic nephropathy develops (microangiopathy). With a long-term course of nephropathy, it can end the full loss of kidney function.

Basic methods of treating diabetes

Treatment of diabetes should always begin with changing lifestyle and nutrition. The diet should be strict and clearly monitored. To limit the receipt of glucose with food, bread units were invented. One grain unit is equal to 12 grams of carbohydrates. Special tables make it possible to calculate the day of bread units. The diet is supported by physical exercises, which also helps in treatment.

Over time, this is not enough. The time comes to use insulin and various groups of drugs, which in different ways reduce blood glucose levels.

If you have noticed similar symptoms, soon consult a doctor. Early detection and treatment of diabetes will help brake its development and defeat of target organs.

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Mirana 03/19/2019 at 22:51

It is very interesting, many of these symptoms may indicate other diseases, so I would have passed the analysis to sugar, and I would go to the doctor. Unfortunately, the situation is familiar, I now, besides the right nutrition, I try to regularly drink olive tea with diabetes, it helps to control the appetite and supports sugar normally.

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