Blood glucose concentration

Blood glucose concentration

Glucose is an indispensable component of blood, without which the normal functioning of the body is impossible. The permanent level of glucose ensures the work of a number of organs and hormones, so after the disease, the balance of sugar in the blood can be disturbed and its deficiency or surplus occurs.

Normally, in a healthy person, the blood glucose content is 70-110 mg / dl. Usually before meals, the sugar content is reduced and can be 60-70 mg / dL, after eating this value increases to 120 mg / dl. In children, this value is 50-115 mg / dl, which is due to the underdevelopment of the pancreas and the liver.

Blood glucose concentration

Glucose is a building substance for muscle cells, it is involved in complex chemical reactions that provide the livelihoods of the body. The sugar content is violated in such cases:

  • pancreatic disease;
  • thyroid diseases;
  • deadness of adrenal glands.

Blood glucose concentration

Failures in the work of these organs prevent the normal cleavage of glucose, so the person comes a weakness and ailment. In most cases, diabetes mellitus occurs in people with increased body weight and a large number of other chronic diseases. Long-term non-treatment of pancreatitis, cholecystitis and pyelonephritis contribute to the occurrence of diabetes.

Blood glucose concentration

In case of diseases of the pancreas, its cells are destroyed, and the possibility of developing insulin - hormone, which splits glucose is reduced. But not always an insulin deficit provokes an increase in blood sugar levels. Sometimes liver disease becomes the cause of the ailment, which is why the body cannot fully process glucose. The sensitivity of cells to the sugar changes, the metabolic processes are violated accordingly. Sugar diabetes - disease provoked by endocrine disorders. Therefore, the idea that people who love sweets may occur diabetes, erroneous.

Blood glucose concentration

Changes in blood glucose in children are observed after viral diseases. It is infections that launch a mechanism that reduces insulin production. Therefore, you should not blame grandmothers or parents in excessive feeding the child with sweets. Diabetes is an autoimmune disease associated with low insulin production or a decrease in cell sensitivity to it.

Blood glucose concentration

Sometimes diabetes occurs in pregnant women due to increased load on the pancreas. Pregnancy hormones suppress insulin effect and reduce it to work out. This condition requires appropriate treatment and destination of a low-carbid diet. Increased glucose is not short diabetes, it develops only in 7% of cases at elevated sugar in a pregnant woman. After the birth of the child, the woman's body is restored.

Blood glucose concentration

Optionally, all patients with diabetes must receive insulin. In most cases, type 2 diabetes is diagnosed, in which insulin production is at a normal level. The sensitivity of tissues and cells is worsening. In such a situation, it makes no sense to take insulin, the bodies that caused a disease should be treated. Most often it is a liver, kidney and thyroid gland. In the treatment of concomitant diseases, the level of glucose is normalized.

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Masha 03/20/2019 at 22:44.

If you have a predisposition to diabetes or you are in the risk zone, then it is better to buy a glucometer and regularly measure the level of sugar. This will help while reacting to the problem and ask for help. I regularly do it and drink Olyzyn, the drug helps to support sugar in permissible pasties.

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