What shows a general blood test

What shows a general blood test

In all its lives, we repeatedly hand over a general blood test, which is prescribed by the doctor in the clinic. Its results indicate the state of the human body. The study will provide a doctor with information on the presence or absence of health problems in the patient. But, if a person has no medical education, it is difficult to understand what is written on a leaf of laboratory tests, and what diseases can be determined after delivery of blood in the laboratory.

The main indicators of the general blood test

Analysis indicators differ in children and adults, in women and men. For small children, the result may be the norm, and for an adult woman is a sign of the disease. By analysis, the laboratory is determined by such indicators:

  • hemoglobin. In men, normal hemoglobin - 130-140 g / l, in women - from 120 to 130 g / l. Little children have a normal indicator on age. In the newborn, it is 200 g / l, and a one-year-old toddler is 120 g / l;
  • EE (erythrocyte sedimentation rate). The norm in men is no more than 10 mm / hour, in women - no more than 15 mm / emergencies;
  • color indicator. This standard of blood indicates the real ratio of hemoglobin to its number in normal. Norm - from 0.85 to 1.05;
  • reticulocytes. The normal indicator is about 1% of the total number of erythrocytes in the blood;
  • platelets. Adult standard is 180-320 * 109 / l. In one year old kids, a similar value is the norm;
  • leukocytes. In an adult, their level is the same - from 4.0 * 109 / l to 9.0 * 109 / l. If the digit analysis is more than the upper limit - leukocytosis develops. If the number is less than the norm - in the patient of leukopenia.

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What will tell a general blood test

The analysis provides information on cellular blood composition and possible negative changes in its different indicators. Decoding the laboratory result will help diagnose various diseases, even if a person has no symptoms of the disease. The doctor will prescribe a patient in a timely manner, allowing to remove the inflammatory process.

Common blood test may indicate such changes in the body and diseases:

  • reduced hemoglobin indicates anemia and other blood diseases, iron deficiency, folic acid and vitamin B12. Increased hemoglobin testifies to exorbitant physical activity or heart disease, pulmonary failure and intestinal obstruction. The reduced indicator is at avid smokers;
  • a strong decrease in erythrocytes is a sign of anemia or chronic inflammatory process in the body. Pregnant women also decreases the level of red blood cells. If the erythrocytes are increased in blood, this indicates the dehydration of the body for various reasons;
  • the lack of platelets may cause blood disease - hemophilia, this is a violation of blood coagulation. Also indicates infections, cancer. The increased indicator happens after taking antibiotics and drugs against allergies;
  • the color indicator becomes greater in the presence of gastric polyps and the lack of vitamins in the body. Decreases with anemia and violation of hemoglobin synthesis;
  • an increase in ESP occurs during inflammatory processes and infections, for kidney and liver diseases, with different endocrine pathologies and after fractures. After any operation, the indicator also increases;
  • increased number of leukocytes indicates viral and fungal infections, malignant tumors. After injuries, childbirth and strong physical exertion, the indicator also increases.

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As you can see, changes in the overall blood test may indicate diseases and shortages in the body of vitamins. Each person should deal with his decoding at least a bit. But the diagnosis based on the result of a laboratory study determines only the doctor. It is unacceptable to invent sickness yourself.

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Olga 09/05/2021 at 10:46.

I rent regularly in essence only to look at the level of hemoglobin. Recently, it is always maintained in the norm and it makes me happy ... helps iron chelats from Evalar. I accept the courses, the doctor advised this particular option, because the easiest accessible shape of iron and there are no side effects. It is always important to choose the right drug for yourself ... it is better to do that with a doctor, of course))

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