How to raise hemoglobin

How to raise hemoglobin

Hemoglobin is a specific blood protein, which provides the entire human organism with oxygen. This indicator is determined by the general blood test. In a healthy person, it is 120-140 g / l depending on the age group. Due to the reduced amount of red blood cells, a person feels weakness, dizziness, often sick. Doctors are diagnosed - anemia. It's time to urgently increase hemoglobin.

The surest way is - eat more meat. Preferably, it is a veal. Thus, the body will receive a quarter of a daily dose of iron. In second place beef language, liver, kidneys, other types of meat, black caviar and fatty fish. But the meat still needs to be prepared correctly, because long-term heat treatment adversely affects the content of useful substances. So, it is necessary to fry the kebab.

Slightly less iron in vegetable products. Eat buckwheat, legumes, white mushrooms, cereals from grain crops, such as oatmeal. To get the maximum benefit, dry grains need to soak and germinate.

Remember that iron is more active in the bloodstream, if there is a sufficient amount of vitamin C. Each meal of food to heat as sour juice, increase the number of fruits and fresh vegetables, greenery.

Refuse time from products that slow down the increase of hemoglobin. This is cheese, cottage cheese, milk, that is, containing in a large amount of calcium. More tea and coffee, when brewing a tubyl acid is formed.

Vitamin mix. This recipe raises not only hemoglobin, but also immunity. Take an equal proportion to dried walnuts, dried apricots, raisins, prunes and a whole lemon. All this grind on the meat grinder and add dark sort of honey. Clean the resulting cleaner in the bank and put in the refrigerator. Take an empty stomach a day.

For the next recipe, it is necessary to grind one glass of buckwheat and walnuts. Mix them with a glass of honey. Use on a tablespoon three times a day.

The remedy is notes and contraindicated to pregnant and children. To make it preparation, find a kilogram of an old aloe flower, skip through the meat grinder. Add two liters of honey to him and two and a half liters of Kagora. Let break 5 days in the dark. Drink across the tablespoon on the hungry stomach three times a day.

If anemia is heavy, only the power does not help. Then the doctor discharges iron-containing drugs or droppers. It is impossible to take them yourself. The overaction of iron can bring much more than grief than its disadvantage.

To warn any disease is easier than healing it. Therefore, watch your diet, avoid stressful situations, rest regularly and walk in the fresh air.

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Raisa 13/03/2020 at 8:15.

I am good helped iron chelate Evalarovsky. I ordered a phytomarket in the online store, it turns out so more profitable. It is also mandatory for grenades, they, too, are good in this regard)) Gradually everything has been settled ... The most important thing is not to hurry and go through the full course of this, so-called, therapy)

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