How to increase leukocytes

How to increase leukocytes

The level of containment of leukocytes in the blood characterizes the degree of protectedness of your body from possible stress and diseases - than them more, the higher the level of this protection. Thanks to this component of the blood, our body is immune to some viruses and various malicious bacteria. In addition, it is leukocytes that are responsible for the immune system and the restoration of damaged tissues. Low leukocyte levels about the presence of any viral disease in the body or even cancer.

An increase in leukocyte levels is almost impossible without complying with the correct diet. Based on the characteristics of the body, this diet is determined by the doctor in each case. Most often it is a protein diet, during which the level of carbohydrate consumed is reduced, and the daily rate of ascorbic and folic acids, choline and lysine increases. If we talk about specific products, then you should reduce the content in your daily diet of the liver, meat and animal fat. Try to eat more buckwheat, which is enriched with proteins of plant origin. Also excellent barley, raw vegetables, fresh fruits, diverse greens and berries. Some doctors believe that chicken eggs, nuts and caviar are good sources of leukocytes. Drink as many juices from vegetables and fruits can regularly eat wheat bran in food.

In addition to proper nutrition, special medications can be used to effectively increase leukocytes. The list of such drugs is headed by modern drugs, known under the general name of Colon Misting Factors. These medicines extend the duration of the leukocyte life cycle, accelerate the ripening process and release them from the bone marrow. These drugs include: neapogen, pentoxyl, leucogen, lenograntim, methyluracyl, Mragrassim, Filgrastim, and so on. The reception of the above drugs should be carried out only after appointing them by the attending physician, strictly in accordance with the attached instructions.

If you do not want to take medicines, it can be resorted to folk remedies to increase the level of leukocytes:

  • Prepare the following tincture: fill the glass with cold boiled water, then add a dessert spoonful of the herb of the Donon in it. Insist the solution for four hours. Turn the tincture of 1/4 pieces of glass two or three times a day.
  • Fill the tablespoon of bitter wormwood with a glass of "steep" boiling water. Give the solution to breed four hours, after which itching it through a small strain or gauze. A glass of tincture will evenly distribute for the whole day, taking it gradually before each meal. If you do not have wormwood - use daisy flowers.
  • Capture two glasses of water, then add 2 tablespoons of crude oats to it. Boil the decoction for 15 minutes, after letting it stand for about 12 hours. Perfoliate ready-made decoction. Use it 1/2 cup before eating 3 times a day for a month.

Despite numerous ways to increase the overall level of blood leukocytes in the blood, it is not necessary to deal with self-medication. If folk agents do not bring much harm to your health, then inappropriate reception of serious drugs can lead to the saddest consequences. Before taking any medication, be sure to advice with your doctor!

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