How to reduce leukocyte levels

How to reduce leukocyte levels

Those or other biological indicators of the human body can fluctuate in both directions. Sometimes this happens as a result of the disease, sometimes under the action of the environment. The same applies to the level of leukocytes in the blood. Their long-term increased content may be a symptom of hidden illness.

To reduce leukocyte levels, it is necessary to understand the reason for its increase. For example, a frequently occurred phenomenon is physiological leukocytosis. The reason for it are stress, exercise, a large amount of protein food or lacking.

The norm is considered to have several billion leukocytes in one liter of blood. Although the indicator may be individual for everyone. In some - the eternal drawback, others have a bust. Little babes and pregnant women have a fairly high level that it is considered to be the norm. Reducing leukocytes in such cases is contraindicated.

Regular increase in the level of white Taurus can be neutrophilic leukocytosis, which is not an independent illness, only its result (symptom). One of the most dangerous causes is an oncological disease. But there are other: purulent inflammation, internal infections, abscesses, etc.

If leukocytosis is a consequence of an infectious disease, a doctor is appointed a certain course of intravenous or intramuscular antibiotics. Their group and type depends on the type of proposed infection. In the case of detection of lymphocytic leukocytosis, the injections are appointed by necessity, since severe diseases are the cause: hepatitis, abscess, etc.

When the source of leukocytosis is violations of the functions of the liver, a prerequisite for their recovery is considered proper nutrition and refusal of bad habits. Having adhering to a healthy lifestyle, it will be possible to normalize the liver condition, it is investigating - to reduce the level of white blood tauros.

Leukocytosis may appear as a result of drug intake. In this case, the reception rate is better to interrupt. If the drug is not allowed to be abandoned, contact your doctor for help. It smoothly reduces the dose of medication and translates to another treatment.

Often there are forms of leukocytosis caused by heart attacks or strokes. An explanation of such a consequence is quite simple - inflammation of the tissues. To reduce the level of leukocytes in such cases, it is enough to eliminate the source, cure the disease.

In addition to the basic ways to reduce white blood cells, there are auxiliary. For example, the juice of the horsetail contributes to a speedy result. It is enough to take it 4 spoons three times a day.

Propolis tincture also has properties useful for this situation. For its preparation, it is necessary to mix 30 g of grated propolis and 70 g of alcohol (70%). After that, it is possible to give it for 20 days.

Whatever it was, before you start acting, it is important to consult with your doctor. All cases are purely individual. One person is enough just to establish a nutritional scheme, otherwise needed a course of long-term treatment.

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