How to treat chlamydia

How to treat chlamydia

Chlamydia is an infectious disease that cause pathogenic microorganisms. chlamydia. They penetrate the cell inside, which limits and complicates the process of exposure to medical preparations. Transfer Polov, Mostovov way and from infected Mothers to kid During generic activity. Common The disease of the sexual system of both men and women. Since 1990, effective methods of diagnosis and treatment of chlamydia appeared.

Additional difficulty is inexpressiveAnd sometimes the complete absence of symptoms. Manifest how inflammatory process: redness, burning, itching in region Defeats, purulent yellowish With an unpleasant acid smell of selection in women and watery in men, often accompanied by pain when urination. But confirm or refute Diagnosis is possible only with the help of analysis on chlamydia or PCR scraping. Common smear show Only small inflammatory process In the body with an increase in leukocytes. Asymptomatic disease leakage is dangerous long-term reproduction of microorganism in human body, large focus of defeat, appearance complications and infection partner. Complications with long-term development of the disease are as follows:

  • colpitaccompanied by even mucous membrane of the vagina and germ lips, abundant discharges pulling pools at the bottom of the abdomen;
  • cervicit - inflammation of the cervix with the subsequent formation of erosion;
  • endometrite - inflammation of endometrial;
  • ureretrite - inflammatory process urinary channel.

The main way of destructive impact on the microorganism is reception antibiotics that are capable permeate v amazed Cage: Doxycycline, Azitromezin, Erythroycin, Klasid, Rulid. In addition to antibacterial media tV, BPah appoints a comprehensive treatment:

  • preparations normalizing Disrupted by antibiotics microflora intestines: Lactobacterin, Linex., Bifidobacterin, Enterol;
  • preparations protecting the liver from aggressive Antibiotic drug effects: Phosphoglie, Esssential Fort e;
  • enzymes that improve digestion: Creon, Mezim, Festal;
  • immunomodulators: Polyoxidonium, Cycloferon, Viferon;
  • antifungal preparations: Pimafucin, Fluconazole.;
  • physiotherapy: electrophoresis, magnetotherapy, ultrasound;
  • local therapy: vaginal or rectal candles, microclisms: Hexicon, Viferon.

Chlamydia treatment diagram:

  • Reception Antibiotics from 14 to 21 days at the discretion of the doctor. Additionally according tocasuals discharge drugs to strengthen immunity, antifungal facilities, local treatment in the form sprintsya chlorhexidine and herbal microclism, vitamin sliding complexes, on 8-y. Day prescribe enzymes.
  • The recovery period lasts two weeks. At this stage of patient nT Pr.running probiotics And preparations for maintaining the liver. According tocasuals are conducted by physiotics. Throughout the treatment, it is recommended to refrain from intimate relationships, carefully monitor personal hygiene, often change the under and bed linen, towels.

Additional means of treating chlamydia antibacterial drugs are healing herbs. From chamomile bears, calendulas, a hunter, wormwood, boring uterus spend the process of douching - herbs have antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. Tincture echinacea, daisies, lemongrass strengthen immunity.

Chlamydia - cunning, fraught serious The consequences of the disease. At first, even minor, symptoms need to be contacted for diagnosing a specialist.

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