Chickenpox – this is disease, that wide distributed among children, and costs mark, what exactly v children's age most often this is disease protect easily and without complications. Undoubtedly, each young parent, when his child drops windmill and on his tele appears abual rash, literally comes v horror, but on very business not costs worn out, so how this is disease not dangerous, a even useful, if can so to tell.
1) Windmill infection
That disease human maybe sick one once v life, further w. his produced immunity. Chickenpox transfer from infected man airdrip way, most often sick children, which often are located v collective, after all when only one human infecting, he straightaway same becomes carrier infections, and maybe infect all surrounding, moreover on his tele yet pair days maybe not to be rash. Out organism virus enough quickly dies.
2) Symptoms windmills
N.a length several weeks chickenpox maybe to be v organism man, but at it is no way myself not show. Laying 7–20 days w. child can manifest symptoms presence infections. First and basic symptoms are raising temperature before 39,5 degrees, a also:
- Rash on tele manifest v video red pigs with clearly outlined contour. Rash maybe hit all surface body without exceptions.
- Itching
- Reduced appetite.
- Head pain.
- Apathy, fatigue.
Plots, which appear on body child, initially have small sizes, after they increase. Appearing plots fill over water, sO time they burst and covered crust.
V this period necessary try maximum fence child from combing pimples, so how v formed ranks quickly penetrate microbes, what leads to secondary infections.
3) Treatment windmills
When w. child detected chickenpox, each young parent set question – how with her fight. V first queue necessary understand, what chickenpox – this is virus, antibiotics here powerless. V some situations doctors accept solution o appointment antibiotics, this is necessary, if joined secondary infection, what threatening putting rash. V most cases treatment suitable at home.
V ours country treatment this diseases assumes quarantine, but v some countries, against, counts, what hy. pass better v children's age, exactly therefore sickwash children not limit v communication with their peers.
In time because diseases specialists recommend follow bed mode, a treat windmunk not necessary, simply necessary control condition child. Can join medications and funds, which make it easy flow diseases. For togo to take off itch, can use antihistamine preparations, for removal temperature – antipyretic.
Also not lish will follow next recommendations:
- Each day replace bed. linen and clothes child.
- Use big quantity liquids.
- Lubricate rash on tele, using zelenk..
In time because diseases notes a loss appetitis, but exactly v this period organism needs v full-fledged nutrition.