How to treat giardia in children

How to treat giardia in children

According to statistics, each second child is infected with giardiasis, and in most cases this disease proceeds asymptomatic. The pathogens of this parasitor infection are unicellular giardia, which are mainly localized in the liver, intestines. Mechanism of transmission fecal-oral: through unwashed fruits, tap water, dirty hands, sandboxes, infection from a sick child. After entering the body of the child, Giardia begin to actively multiply, selecting nutrients from the blood. At the same time, the child arises various diseases, the reasons for which it is sometimes difficult to determine. How long-term treatment is undergoing, what means tools are being treated further.

The treatment of giardiasis in children takes place in 3 stages, none of which cannot be neglected, otherwise the full recovery may not come. The first stage - preparatory, lasts about 2 weeks. In this period, it is necessary to give the child to eat boiled vegetables, buckwheat, heteroise, wheat porridge, baked apples, bran. The effect of such dietary food will be more if instead of ordinary water will give mineral water. For older children, you can make a fan. Purpose of the first stage: Reducing cholestasis, recovery of digestion.

The second stage concludes treatment with medication. After analyzes, the specialist will appoint you a certain treatment and dose scheme according to the age of the child. The most common medicines: Furazalidon, Flamin, Macmiror, Metraduazol, Intotrix.

Perhaps on the 3-5 day of treatment, the child will have an aggravation of a state, which will appear in the form of lethargy, digestion disorders. In no case do not stop the fight. The deterioration of well-being arises due to the collapse of the giardia, as a result of which toxins fall into the blood. To facilitate the process of action of antiparasitic means, let the child antihistamines, laxatives. For 8-10 days your stay will be much better.

Finish the entire course of the reception of sorbents, such as lactofilm, filter. It lasts this step 10-14 days. After conducting the entire course of treatment, be sure to re-pass the survey.

People's methods of treating giardiasis are popular and no less efficient than drug. However, in most cases they are used as an addition to the main treatment. For the best result, exclude sweetness, flour products, sweet drinks from the diet. Enter more fermented dairy products into the diet.

Take the cucumbers with the greatest ripeness, even those that are postponed on the seeds are suitable. Cut 200 g of cucumbers in enameled dishes, pour boiling water and give it in 2 hours. After that, resolve the infusion in the refrigerator. On the day let's drink 0.5 l infusion.

Two tablespoons of dandelion roots grind, pour 0.5 liters with water and boil on slow fire for 15 minutes. The decoction will cool down, strain. Let the child in the morning on an empty stomach and in the evening before bedtime. The volume of infusion is calculated on the basis of the weight of the baby so: 1 teaspoon is 10 kg. Conduct treatment within 10 days. Store in the fridge no more than 2 days in the refrigerator.

The tablespoon is cleaning chopped, put into the thermos and fill 400 ml of boiling water. Insist 2 hours, then strain and store drink in the refrigerator. Child let's drink on the tablespoon every day before taking food. Treatment with infusion Cephelabell lasts in 3 courses, 5 days with a two-day interruption.

As with any other diseases, very important and primary when combating giardiasis is prevention. Wash fruits and vegetables with warm water with soap, instill children's personal hygiene skills, eliminate contact with animals, close the sandbox, eliminate bathing in fresh water of children under 5 years old - and the risk of disease will decrease.

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