How to treat caries teeth

How to treat caries teeth

Insufficient and bad oral hygiene contributes to the formation of a specific deposit on teeth, which provokes the occurrence of carious processes, with subsequent complications in the teeth and with further destruction. Caries treatment is possible only by resorting to professional assistance of dentists.

Finding a point change in the color of the enamel of the tooth, chip, or fast-passing dental pain from hot, salt, acidic, sweet or cold food, immediately contact the clinic for advice and subsequent assistance to you.

Events for the treatment of caries in the stain stage are reduced to the processes of purification of dental enamels with a brush and applying to the area of \u200b\u200blesion of the remineralizing drugs based on fluorine and calcium. It is done in several techniques, while the color of the enamel and its strength will not restore.

After examining the entire oral cavity for carious processes, determined with what kind of tooth should be treated first, the doctor anesthesias him and starts the process of removing the affected parts of Enamel and Dentin, which is under it, with the help of turbine and angular tips.

If the doctor gives a diagnosis of surface caries, then the treatment here is the insignificant removal of the affected enamel sections and the restoration of the structure of the tooth with the help of sealing material. The whole therapeutic process in this case is performed without anesthesia and quickly enough.

Acute, medium and deep caries are treated under anesthesia, respectively, the location of the tooth and the stage of his defeat. Everyone performed by Dr. manipulation is absolutely painless and do not cause discomfort.

After eliminating all carious sections from the surface of the tooth, the dentist will select the coloring of the material corresponding to the color of your teeth.

Next, the tooth is isolated by a special overlay in order to avoid moisture from entering the working field. Gauze and cotton swabs are very unreliable, so better when the doctor uses Cofferds - a special latex scarf. In this way, several teeth can be isolated at once.

The next step will be applied to the processed and prepared cavity of the tooth of a special dialing gel - acid, which partially demineralizes enamel and dentin, increasing the quality of subsequent adhesion between the tooth and the sealing material.

Withstanding a diverse gel in the cavity of the tooth for a few seconds, the doctor washes him, dries the tooth and causes the prepared surface of the adhesive (dental adhesive), while having disrupted which heasts the photopolymer lamp.

Next to the bottom of the cavity of the tooth is installed either therapeutic or insulating gasket, which is also evolving the photo-polymerization lamp. After that, the dentist layers the material (gradually restoring the physiological shape of the tooth), extinguishing each layer.

After recovering the shape of the tooth, the doctor checks the bite and, if necessary, removes the excess material. The final moment will be polished seals. Caries treatment will end in one reception.

A strongly destroyed tooth under the influence of deep caries can be complicated by pulpitis or periodontitis. In this case, it may be necessary to remove the nerve and the treatment of dental root channels. Such teeth are restored to several visits, and in terms of cost this treatment will be much more expensive than the elimination of ordinary caries.

Avoid the occurrence of carious processes in the teeth is quite simple. To do this, it is necessary in the morning and in the evening to carefully clean all the teeth, to use a special dental thread to maintain the purity of interdental gaps, follow your power regime and be sure to come to the dentist once every half a year.

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Andrey 08/26/2015 at 17:56

As you look at such photos - tin, you begin to understand how everything is difficult, and what big, and the main labor-intensive work is made by dentists in order to help us. Gold hands should be.

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Lyudmila 27/08/2015 at 14:28

Non-doubt! For different modern methods, treatment is carried out. Moreover, in the pictures, it really looks awesome, but if we take it as for due, there is nothing in this.

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Andrey 08/27/2015 at 15:03

When you sit in the chair, you do not see the entire process that would certainly frighten the person who is not accustomed to this. From the side is much worse, here the nerves are strong need definitely.

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Natalia 04/28/2018 at 15:31

I was looking for dentistry initially to eliminate, probably the most common problem - caries. Honestly, I'm terribly afraid of dentists, so I pulled up to the last, do not repeat my mistakes ... When it all happened completely, I went to the dental clinic of Dr. Razumenko - it turned out to be a very good place. I had a teeth in a terrible state, and they cured them and now they look great, plus gave instructions, how to watch the cavity of the mouth. Recently came to inspection - so far all is well. I do not know, you choose, but I liked it there, I say as a person who does not feed on love dentists.

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Lidia 13/05/2020 at 20:16

Honestly, the process itself is not very interesting to me. Better to keep track and make prevention. On one of these techniques, the dentist advised me more calcium to eat and vitamin D3 to drink so that calcium is better absorbed. I bought Evalarovsky in capsules on a phytomarket. Every half a year I go to our proficiency inspections, everything is normal.

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