Gums hurt than treated

Gums hurt than treated

In case of non-compliance with the oral hygiene, the gums should be felt first of themselves. Their diseases deliver unpleasant sensations and strong discomfort. In this article, we will consider the causes of gum inflammation and the measures necessary to eliminate them.

Causes of pain in the gums

Pain can be eliminated and without detection of the disease, but soon it will appear again, and the state of the teeth deteriorates even more. Therefore, it is important to determine the problem on time. The most common of them:

  • Gingivitis. It is characterized by inflammation of the very edge of the gums. It has a red color, and also accompanied by pain and edema. Arises as a result of bad hygiene, in which a microbial flaw remains on enamel, and over time, dentities appear. They cause a disease.
  • Perodontitis. It is a continuation of the unbearable gingivitis. Main symptoms are added fostering, dentition of teeth necks and their mobility.
  • Periodontalosis. It is characterized by the defeat of the tissues surrounding the teeth, which leads to their falling out. This disease is not considered inflammatory, tissue atrophy occurs. The reasons for this phenomenon can be different, but the primary acts in the circulatory disorders in the near-free tissues.
  • Toothache. If the pain is concentrated in a particular place, most likely, it is caused by a sick tooth. Dummy diseases are distinguished by the fact that in most cases all the gums are affected or some of them are simultaneously.

What to do with gum pain

At home the gums are not recommended. Determine the exact problem and competent treatment can only dentist. The only thing you can do at home is to try to eliminate pain before visiting a doctor. Try the following ways:

  • Use analgesics, for example, Paracetamol, Salpadeev, Pentalgin, Baratgin, etc. Stop taking painkillers 3 hours before a visit to the dentist. This is necessary for the correct diagnosis.
  • Herbs calm the inflammation well and relieve pain. Fake ragners from chamomile, eucalyptus, echinacea, hormour, plantain, nettle. Fill 1 tbsp. l. Cheese glass boiling water and let it brew for 15-20 minutes. Then strain and cool. All is ready.
  • If there are no herbs at home, rinse the mouth with a solution of soda or salt (it is preferable to use marine, but it is possible to use the usual). Take 1 tbsp. l. Salt or soda and pour a glass of warm water. Salt is an excellent natural antiseptic. Even in the case of an overdose, it will not cause the burn of the mucous membrane, in contrast to the manganese.

How to treat treatment

In most cases, the dentist removes the soft and solid (stones) of the plaque. In the running cases, you have to cut the gums, treat some teeth or delete them. In the mobility of the teeth, the time tires are installed, which are subsequently replaced by the prostheses. After that, the specialist appoints special means for oral hygiene, a suitable paste, anti-inflammatory gels and ointments. In some cases, the doctor discharges special vitamins.

Correct cavity care

It is important to brush your teeth in the morning and in the evening, and if necessary, use a tooth thread. Dentists recommend ringed mouth after each meal. It is also worth incorporating products rich in vitamins and trace elements in its diet. That the teeth were strong and healthy, the body should regularly receive calcium and vitamin C. It is preferable to use them in the form of separate complexes every three months or six months. Remember that smoking and abuse of alcoholic beverages contributes to the loss of important trace elements for the oral cavity.

In the event of pain in the gums, do not tighten with a visit to the dentist, because the disease may be very serious, and attempts to independently strengthen the teeth to exacerbate the situation. In order to avoid problems, try to attend a doctor for professional cleaning from a plaque and a dental stone at least once a year.

Comments leave a comment
Marina 04/12/2015 at 16:57

Do therapeutic paste may serve as a preventive measure? And what advise?

To answer
Natella 05.12.2015 at 17:05

I use parodontotsid paste it in the pharmacy sold, a very good therapeutic paste, an excellent prevention. I was beginning to use it - I have inflamed gums sprakticheski stopped. So try, suddenly you also nice.

To answer
Irina 06.27.2019 at 12:05

Yes, if you make prevention, then the gums may not be so often. From my own experience noticed. Just forget and stop ringed the river cavity rinse, immediately inflammation (

To answer
Marina Vlasova 06/28/2019 at 8:26

And I'm just constantly and forget, and then the inflammation of the gum begins ((unpleasant and hurt. Maju Kholivalom, he copes well with these symptoms and rather in a short time it is possible to avoid this problem. I want to go to the doctor to consult whether it is possible to get rid of this .

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Sveta 11/11/2019 at 17:46.

That this does not arise, the local immunity of the oral mucosa is very important to maintain. So every infection will not be cling. I sick gums lubricated with the chamomile and mandatory Orvis Lizozyme rested (just he immunity and supports his pills, by the way, it was ordered, so more convenient). Pains pretty quickly passed and no longer returned, thank God.

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