How to strengthen the gums

How to strengthen the gums

Health of teeth, their condition directly depends on the gums. Bloodfaction, pathogens, dental flare make the gums structure with friable. Over time, they are inflamed, begin to bleed, which can lead to loosening, damage and loss of teeth. When the first symptoms of periodontal (bleeding, discomfort) should begin to strengthen the gums, contacting specialists and or using folk remedies.

The main condition for healthy teeth and gums is high-quality oral hygiene. Do not be lazy, except for cleaning the teeth, still use dental thread. If the dentist put you periodontitis, that is, it makes sense to use a home irrigator. This device is washed with interdental intervals, removes all residues of food, cleans periodontal pockets.

To strengthen the weak gums, use therapeutic toothpastes. They have vegetable anti-inflammatory components, antiseptics and fluorine, which prevents the growth of microorganisms. For example, Dental Paste Lacalut, Parodontax F, Forest Balm. They contain the extracts of the Hypericum, the bark of oak, sage, which eliminate the bleeding of the gums and make gums more dense.

Therapeutic rinses for the oral cavity are divided into 2 groups: for long use and for a short course of therapy. The latter group contains strong antiseptics and only a dentist can assign them. For everyday hygiene, the mouth is cooled after cleaning the teeth with such rinsing agents as president, forest balm, mexidol. You can use them 2-3 times a day, the duration of rinsing is at least 1 minute.

To strengthen the gums and improve their blood supply to make the gum massage. To do this, a finger or cotton swab in flush, sea buckthorn oil and gently rub soft movements. Instead of oils, you can take the ointment of the metrogil, Solfirel, Dental, which heal the focus of inflammation, form an indelible protective film.

The most common folk remedies for the strengthening of the gum are the use of brazers, indoors of medicinal herbs. Here are some of the most effective recipes.

  1. Pillter spoon with a 0.5 liter of warm water and insist for 3-4 days. After each food intake, rinse your mouth with this infusion.
  2. Wipe each day with propolis or prepare such a solution. A teaspoon of alcohol infusion of propolis mix with 0.5 liters of boiled water and wechit the mouth after each meal.
  3. Take 2 pieces of oak bark chips, one piece of linden flowers and mix. From this mixture, take a teaspoon of the means and fill with one glass of boiling water. Insist for an hour, cool and strain. Finished solution wechit the mouth several times a day.
  4. Two tablespoons of chamomile flowers pour a glass of boiling water and hold 10-15 minutes. This tincture is checked by the oral cavity after each meal. The course of treatment lasts 3 weeks.

In the struggle for healthy gums, you may have to reconsider your diet. Eat more products containing calcium, fluorine, Vitamins B6, A, D, C. Hard vegetables, fruits are not only rich in all these necessary substances, but also provide gums massage effect.

We regularly visit the dentist, use the means that strengthen the gums and you can save the beauty of the teeth, the gum health. The application of these recommendations will help to avoid paradantosis, gingivitis.

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