How to remove milk tooth

How to remove milk tooth

Rarely someone does not experience involuntary fear, sitting in front of the door to the dentist’s office. The roots of this feeling go into a deep childhood when going to the dentist was associated with something terrible and painful. Today, treating and tearing the first teeth does not hurt at all. You can remove a dairy tooth, of course, and at home, resorting to proven grandfather methods, but correctly and without consequences this will be done by a children's dentist.

Remove milk teeth strictly according to indications. These include:

  • physiological change, accompanied by staggering;
  • the presence of a source of infection;
  • the inability to cure a tooth struck by caries;
  • the formation of a fistula on the gum;
  • the presence of a cyst is on the root;
  • when a permanent tooth has already grown, and the milk has not yet fallen;
  • mechanical tooth injury;
  • acute pulpitis or periodontitis threatening the rudiments of molars.

The most common and simple way to get rid of a staggering tooth is a thin and strong thread. Tie it around the tooth and sharply pull it up or down from the gums. It depends on where the tooth grows. After the procedure, rinse the antiseptic with a child with a child and hand over a gift.

Most often, the tooth is sitting in the gums and pulling it out quite simply. Try to cheat and give the baby to gnaw hard food, for example, a piece of apple or carrot. The focus may not work if the child guesses to eat the other side of the jaw.

Remember that there are a number of restrictions when it is not allowed to tear milk teeth:

  • When there are obvious signs of infectious diseases in the oral cavity. It can be thrush, stomatitis, herpes and others.
  • During an acute period of any disease, when a child of unwell: flu, acute respiratory infections, angina, scarlet fever, whooping cough.
  • With special attention, treat babies who have diagnosed diseases of the kidneys, blood, heart, nervous system, oncology.

Due to the fact that the morphological structure of children's teeth and jaws, in particular, has its own characteristics, the children's dentist first reorganizes the oral cavity, then selects a suitable instrument, it may offer anesthesia. The main task of the doctor is to carefully remove the tooth, without damaging the walls of the alveol and the rudiments of permanent teeth. For pulling out, special forceps with weak fixation are used to prevent advance to a considerable depth. For several days, watch the wound so that it does not inflame.

Take your time to get rid of the milk teeth. Try to do it as late as possible, fight for every chance to cure your teeth. Too early their loss threatens a decrease in the interval between them and the growth of crooked teeth, the development of improper bite. Also, milk teeth stimulate the normal development of the jaw bone.

The correct psychological mood is the key to a successful visit to the dentist. Discuss all moments and situations in advance in advance. Do not pronounce the words “pain” or “blood” and ask the doctor not to demonstrate terrible tools if possible. Behave naturally and do not fuss. A good dentist will carry out the procedure quickly and painlessly.

From an early age, teach children to brush their teeth, and preventive visits to a dentist every 3-6 months will warn any trouble.

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