How to straighten your teeth

How to straighten your teeth

Healthy teeth and an attractive smile - a sign of general health of the body and an indicator of a good standard of living. Many face the problem of teeth irregularities, but they think that the only way to correct their curvature is in carrying braces. In fact, there are many other qualitative ways.

Visit the dentist or orthopedic. Try to find a good specialist. Ask him to show you a photo of patients "before and after". The specialist should conduct a comprehensive diagnosis and determine the causes of pathology. Only after that the treatment plan is drawn up. It was the doctor who should help you choose the appropriate method of aligning teeth. Before fixing the curvature, it is very important to cure all the teeth and conduct a comprehensive cleaning.


To align your teeth to a child, it is preferable to install silicone trains. They have a soft effect on teeth, fabrics and muscles. It is very convenient for children, since many of them are shy to wear braces, and the trainers can be worn while sleeping and wearing a few hours at home. As a result, the bite will gradually be corrected, the teeth are leveled, and the facial features will improve. But this method is not suitable for adults.

You can fix your teeth with special dental plates. To do this, the orthoped should make your cast and make a device. The advantage of the dental plate is that you can remove it at any time. This method is ideal for a slight change in bite and some curvature of teeth.

There is another way to align the teeth - wearing kappos. The device is a transparent cap, which are also created by the cast. Kappa have a certain pressure on each tooth. After a certain period, all the teeth are corrected. Be prepared for the fact that the device will have to change every two or three weeks. Each subsequent kapps will change the positions of the teeth. In most cases, the leveling procedure lasts from four months to two years.

Installing braces is required if a person has serious violations. Talk to the doctor and decide how the device will be made from what material will be manufactured. You can install internal or external braces. After installation, it is necessary to visit the dentist approximately once a month. Once a quarter, the doctor will change the arcs to you. After the removal of this system will have to be like a while in retairers (installed on the inner side of the teeth). They will help consolidate the result and keep the effect of treatment.

There is an opportunity to align your teeth with lumines. This procedure is quite expensive, but it is worth it. Lineners are thin plates that are installed on the upper part of the teeth. The device visually lines the teeth without resorting to complex orthopedic manipulations. With proper use, Liminir can be worn 10-15 years, to then repeat the procedure.

In particularly launched cases, the need arises in the operation, i.e. Surgical intervention is required. Such a method is applied in cases where the bones of the jaws are incorrectly constructed, asymmetrical or disproportionate. During the operation, some teeth can delete. But if a person firmly decided to make his teeth healthy - this method will not stop him.

The reasons for teeth impairment can be different: bad habits, respiratory diseases, heredity, etc. But you can make your teeth smooth and beautiful at any age. New technologies in dentistry will help eliminate any aesthetic flaws and give a dazzling smile forever.

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Oleg 03/01/2020 at 20:37

When I was looking for a clinic and a doctor to fix the bite and align my teeth, I found it in Moscow to and not so expensive, only in the clinic of Dr. Razumenko. I reread a lot of reviews and stopped on this clinic. He worked with me the head of the clinic of Evgeny Gennadevich, he is orthodont. I really liked responsibility for work and the final result. The choice of braces in dentistry is large, all new things have. I installed Invisalign kappa, they are imperceptible on teeth, transparent. The teeth began to align in a few months, and by the end of the term of treatment, even a face changed for the better. I am glad that I really got to professionals!

Oksana 29/09/2021 at 8:09.

I decided that I would orderly order in Star Smile, a very high rating of this company. Plus a lot of partnership clinics, one of them is relatively close. Now at the cost of understanding how much the summary amount will be released and in principle, I am ready to start!


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