How to align your teeth

How to align your teeth

Beautiful open smile is the key to success and location around. The correct bite is the painlessness of the joints of the jaws at the act of chewing, the health of the entire oral cavity and the gastrointestinal tract. The current possibilities of dentistry successfully solve the problem of the crivism of the teeth, help to find a flat, aesthetically attractive smile and the right bite.

Start with the selection of the attending doctors-orthodontist. Ask reviews about specialists from friends, acquaintances, relatives, learn the responses about the doctors on the forums. Deciding, which orthodontist you will trigger the correction of your bite, go to the reception. A good specialist will check the entire oral cavity for the presence of carious or other diseases and will offer the alignment options for teeth. If you are all right with the health of the passions of periodontal, you do not need additional interventions of the dentist-therapist or surgeon, if you agree to the proposed tactics of improving your smile - the doctor will make the necessary retriters for further treatment.

The easiest way to level the bite is the appointment of removable designs. These are trainers, plates, kappa and retainers (resembling their plates). But such options will be limited in their use, as they are used for the most part to hold the teeth in the specified position. Thus, when the delicate of permanent teeth in children and the indication of their alignment, only removable plates or silicone capes are used, which are sent to the correct position of the rubber teeth. Adults with a formed constant bite and insignificant dentition of a dentition, which can be corrected without non-removable structures, most often prescribe capping.

The bracket system is currently the most effective method of correcting bite and equalizing the tooth row. Braces are different by types (metal, sapphire, lingval, plastic, ceramic), but the same in their own effect. It all depends on your choice and material opportunities. The braces are individually fixed on the teeth with the help of a special liquid material, a metal arc is installed inside the chain (it affects the movement of the teeth along its axis), and such a system is worn within 1-2 years with a permanent monthly visit to the orthodontist, which will monitor the process . After achieving the desired result, the bruquets are removed, and on the rear wall of the teeth the non-removable apparatus is attached - a retailer, which keeps his teeth in a new even position of the next years of your life.

Viniirs or lormari can also be considered as an option equalizing the teeth, although to a greater extent this type of treatment relates to humane prosthetics. This is a peculiar half-operator, which is fixed by a special material on the visually visible part of the tooth, while the enamel itself is practically not calculated. The use of such methods will help get rid of visible chips on the cutting edge of the teeth, removes the diastheau (a wide range between the teeth) and will make the teeth longer if necessary.

If you wish to have beautiful smooth teeth, you can not avoid visiting an orthodontist doctor. Only this specialist will help determine the degree of curvature of the teeth, selects and prescribe the right adequate treatment and make your smile beautiful and unsurpassed.

Comments leave a comment
Irina 08/13/2015 at 18:10

There is only an option or plate, or braces of course put. About others did not hear so far. But it is desirable not to delay with it definitely, the older, the more difficult it will be fixed.

Marina 08/15/2015 at 18:08

And you try to contact Lancet dentistry. I heard that everything is done there. She herself did not appeal, but a lot of things had a lot of things corrected, in my opinion I was satisfied.

Irina 08/15/2015 at 18:40

By the way, in this clinic my scenic bite corrected. It seems to have done everything perfectly. So, herself too. In general, of course, until you do not check, you should not trust completely, everyone has its own opinion.

Svetlana 11/03/2018 at 17:20

And in the Moscow region in the queen, do not tell me where in what dentistry it is better to contact?

Maria Marko 03/20/2018 at 23:23

Svetlana, and what is your question? What exactly should I do? Although on the other hand, it does not matter, that dental clinic that I want to recommend you, there any even the most complex tooth will be cured. On the street Pioneer dental clinic of Dr. Razumenko, here it recommended it. I am sure that you will be satisfied, because I always. Prices are quite acceptable, very nice staff and better modern equipment. By the way, in my opinion they have a promotion now goes to implants. But this is on the site you can see if someone needs.

Ekaterina 02/12/2021 at 16:49

I chose a long time between braces with eliners with a doctor, but decided all the same elineers! I have already visited Star Smile, where I will order the agers and I made computer modeling of the result to immediately see the result, before the start of treatment. The result was so impressed that I want to start treatment before the new year)


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