How to fix the tooth curve

How to fix the tooth curve

Uneven teeth are found not only in children, but also in adults. And oddly enough, some think that it is necessary to correct such a disadvantage only in childhood, which is completely wrong with the statement. Curves teeth with the current achievements of medicine can even be aligned with elderly. To do this, you just need to visit an orthodontist doctor.

Sources of problems with teeth

The teeth begin to grow up, and then also change in childhood. Some researchers are inclined to believe that uneven teeth may appear for heredity. Approval is based on observations for future mothers, and later for newborns. However, there are other factors, they are counted:

  • Lack of calcium, improper nutrition.
  • Excess toddler guard. Some moms are afraid of their children to give solid food, as a result, the jaw does not receive the necessary development. When milk teeth fall out, and the indigenous grow - here are such incidents.
  • Children's pacifiers sometimes also play a decisive role in the development of improper growth of teeth.
  • A negative effect on the development of teeth has cold infections. When you have to breathe in the main mouth, the lower jaw is somewhat protruding forward, which is negatively affecting children's health, and the teeth are growing uneven.

How to fix the teeth curves using braces

Immediately it should be noted that the process is long, for one day it will not be possible to align the protruding tooth. The method is effective if the fangs are growing, there is an emptiness between the teeth and even if the taste is incorrect. The essence of the process lies in the movement of the tooth to the right place under the action of the bracket system. For this procedure, great patience will be required, because the tooth curve will slowly move, approximately one millimeter per month. Moreover, when the teeth are smooth, you still have to be a retention device for fixing. After removing the bracket system, the orthodontist will pass the enamel.


Types of braces

Many adults are shy to wear braces, because they are well noticeable on their teeth and do not greatly decorate them. But if you wish, you can put less noticeable bracket systems, especially since there are various types of devices:

  • Sapphire braces - transparent products made from single-crystal sapphires, perhaps one of the most comfortable leveling devices, however, the cost of them is high.
  • Ceramic - made of ceramics are characterized by durability, and attracts that they are practically not visible on their teeth.
  • Metal - the most running, have a variety of colors, forms, lack of such braces - the occurrence of irritable gum reactions at the very beginning of wearing.
  • Plastic braces - such systems are used for children, they are specifically made in various color execution.

Bracket care

If you have a bracket system, do not forget to fulfill the following recommendations during the period of all wearing:

  1. Do not eat too hot food, do not drink very cold drinks so that the arc does not lose their forms.
  2. Refuse zhwayk, they are poorly removed from the surface of the braces.
  3. Do not chew too hard food so as not to damage the roots of the teeth.

How to align the tooth without braces

Despite the large selection of braces, some patients do not want to wear them, there are other types of eliminating the irregularities of dental rows. In dental clinics you may offer to put kappa. With their help, small deviations from the norm are eliminated. The advantages of adaptations include their imperiency on the teeth, the convenience of wearing. Consider - they are contraindicated to children. For the child they will fit the records. They do not move their teeth, but fix their position. This tool is not used for adults. Plates are effective only with growing teeth in childhood.

Follow the health of your teeth and their beauty. In time go to the dentist. After all, due to problems with teeth, there may be difficulties with digestion of food, psychological uncertainty, complexes.

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Svetlana 02/24/2018 at 12:12

I also had problems with my teeth - very curves since childhood, but recently, I decided that it was time to align. Podnopil money, reviews about the clinic studied for a long time and found near the house of the Dental clinic of Dr. Razumenko. Everything is just great, especially pleased that they have the newest equipment, then think about customers. Now I go periodically to inspections. If that with your teeth, now only there!

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