How to fix the foot curves

How to fix the foot curves

Slender legs emphasize female attractiveness. Allow the holder to experiment with clothes and do not be shying walks to the beach. But what to do those whom Nature did not give smooth legs, how to fix the defect and can we do without surgery? Consider possible solutions to the problem.

Depending on the type of curvature, the doctor assigns the necessary procedures to align the lower extremities. In medicine, classifies the curvature of the legs as follows:

  1. The true curvature is characterized by the curvature of the skeleton of the lower extremities from the hip before the shin.
  2. False curvature is formed as a result of the improper development of the muscles of the legs.
  3. "O"--like curvature
  4. "X"--like curvature.

If the cause of the curvature of the legs is the incorrect development of muscle mass, it is possible to fix the shape of the legs using exercise. The loads are directed to the correction of the shape of the thighs and an increase in the volume of the icy muscles. Perform the following movements daily:

  1. Climb on socks with weight loss. Go along the steps, rolling into mysteries.
  2. From the initial position "Standing" for a few seconds, press your legs to each other for a few seconds. Repeat 8-10 times.
  3. Sat from the position of the legs on the width of the shoulders. Repeat 15 squats of 5 approaches.
  4. Sat in the position of "Socks apart."
  5. Walk on the outside of the foot.
  6. Exercise "Swallow".
  7. In the conditions of the gym with effective exercises are the press, extension and raising legs with the help of special simulators.
  8. Certain asians of yoga are aimed at improving the tone of muscles of the lower extremities. Techniques baddha konasan, agni. stambhasana and padmasana - This is a whole range of exercises that stimulates the mobility of foot joints, helps to strengthen the muscles. The asians of yoga are recommended under the guidance of the instructor, since the exercises are dangerous with stretching and other injuries of the joints and muscles.

You can visually hide the flaws of the legs using a properly selected wardrobe:

  1. Do not attract attention to the legs. Therefore, the shoes are better to choose bodily shades. The best option is classic pastel shades shoes. Write the flaws of the legs, which have the top of the assemblies.
  2. It is not recommended to wear skirts and breeches on the knee and slightly higher. It is better to purchase short shorts or skirt on the palm below the knee. Maximum length dresses not only hide the flaws of the legs, but are the current trend of the current season. Such a style will emphasize femininity and give confidence.
  3. Bright colors and tight pants stags should be excluded from the wardrobe. Suitable and wide models.
  4. Tights of dark colors, with a bright and small pattern, the lack of drawing even more. The best option is one-photon tights of corporal color.

If the reason for the curvature of the legs in the improper formation of the bone, only surgical intervention can correct the situation. The operation leads to an effective result that will continue throughout life. The disadvantage of the method is a long recovery period, accompanied by painful patient's pain. Common method for correcting the curvature of the legs surgically is the installation of the device Ilizarova. The device consists of a rings connected by titanium rods. In the process of operation, the deformed bone dissect and fixed in the correct position using the device. Compression or tensile bone must be adjusted daily by nuts installed on the machine, according to the diagram developed by the doctor. The patient can move with the support of crutches the very day after the operation. The duration of the leg correction with the help of the device is 1.5-2 months. Completion The splicing of the bone is determined by X-ray. After that, the device is removed, usually without prior anesthesia. After removal, another month is not recommended to overload the leg.

Cruplasty - This is a plastic surgery, in the process of which silicone implants In the shin. In the cuts are inserted in advance selected in size and shape. implants. As a result increases volume The shin and adjusts the shape of the legs. The duration of the operation is about an hour, and the recovery period, accompanied by discomfort and pain in the operation - 2 months.

Choosing a method of correction of the feet shape, weigh all "for" and "against". A sincere smile and a positive attitude towards people will hide any drawbacks of the figure, a man will decorate a lot more effectively plastic surgery.

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Yuliya 06/02/2016 at 20:16

To fix better exercise. And even better with special devices. They are such blue on velcro. So in the search and type "Device for Correction Correction" on the Internet a lot of offers. I bought with payment upon receipt.

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