Paraffin Foot Bath

Paraffin Foot Bath

Paraffin returns to the legs ease, removes fatigue and makes the skin of the feet soft. Parafinotherapy for the feet only seems to be time consuming. It is available not only in the salon conditions - procedures can be held at home. To do this, it is enough to buy a bath and cosmetic wax.

Use of cosmetic paraffin

Paraffin is inexpensive, and its composition is rich in nutritional elements that penetrate the skin's cells packed in a hot bath. Procedures can be applied at any time of the year. In winter, as a means for removing tension from heavy shoes, and in the summer - to give the legs well-kept species. Other properties of cosmetic wax and recommendations for use:

  • Paraffin acts when heated to 52 ° C - it increases the temperature of the skin cells and softens them. The wax reveals the pores and enhances the sweating, so that toxins and other unwanted substances come out of the body.
  • Plee the feet with paraffin baths once a week and feel the fatigue and tension goes, pain in the joints disappears, the skin becomes elastic and healthy.

What to buy for paraffin therapy

To prepare a bath for legs at home, pre-acquire:

  • Vessel where you will lower your legs. Manufacturers offer specialized heated baths. Alternative to them - enamelled or plastic pelvis. It looks less aesthetically, but it is inexpensive.
  • Polyethylene packs that will wrap foot over paraffin.
  • Cleansing lotion and scrub for feet.
  • Two kilograms of cosmetic wax and warm socks.
  • Nourishing feet for legs.

We carry out the procedure at home

Prepare a paraffin bath is easy to comply with the sequence of actions:

  1. Clean the skin of the feet by using scrub or peeling, and then wipe the antibacterial lotion.
  2. Take the paraffin bar, put it on the water bath and melt.
  3. Hand check the wax temperature - it should not burn. Specialized foot baths are equipped with a temperature sensor - it should show the mark of 50 ° C.
  4. Finish your legs to paraffin for 3-5 seconds, and then remove. Repeat 3-4 times. When a thick layer of wax is formed on the feet, wrap them with a polyethylene sachet, and on top wear socks.
  5. The minimum procedure time is 30 minutes, the maximum is 12 hours. This means that you can make a bath before bedtime and go to bed without removing the paraffin layer.
  6. Remove the hardened paraffin towards the ankle to the end of the foot and lubricate the legs with cream.

Do not use one wax several times - buy new procedures for each procedure. Paraffin feet bathrooms Conduct for 5-15 days with a break for a month.

Healing additives

In a paraffin bath for legs, as in any other, you can add essential oils. They soothe and smooth the skin even stronger. The best oils for the feet:

  • Lavender. Fights with bacteria, eliminates the peeling of the skin, threatens pain.
  • Peach. Reduces foot sweating, eliminates corns.
  • Vanilla. Moisturizes the skin and oppresses inflammation.

Add 5-6 drops of oil in the bath - this is enough to feel the effect.


Do not use Paraffin Paraffin Bath in the following cases:

  • You have open wounds or glands on your feet.
  • You are ill with infectious disease.
  • You suffer from problems with vessels and cramps in the legs.
  • You have too shrugged skin on the soles of the legs.
  • You recently stretched the muscle or tendon.
  • You have diabetes.

In other cases, the beneficial effect of paraffin you will feel after the first procedure. The skin of the feet will soften, and the muscles relax. In hot wax you can lower not only legs, but also hands to preserve the youth of the skin.

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