Female hands chant in songs and paintings, they take a newborn child, they smooth the face of her beloved. The French believes that the man in female hands is able to determine its age, habits, as well as its family status. There is no need to remind once again that the hands are a business card of the lady. The tenderness and smoothness of the skin of the handles can be achieved at home. Talk about how to do it.
Mitigating and nutritious baths
If the skin of the hands is dry and rude, it is worth pamping them by baths. Thanks to them, the hands will be gentle, smooth, soft. Well soften the hands of the following baths:
- Oil. Vegetable oils are always included in the creams (almond, olive, coconut). Even in the absence of such oils at home, you can take simple sunflower oil. For cooking, he heat it up to a warm state, add a couple of lemon juice drops (it cares perfectly behind the nails). Immerse your hands for 15 minutes. After getting blocked with a napkin and apply cream.
- Milk-oat. Grind Hercules. Take warm water and milk (1: 1) and pumped there oatmeal, the consistency should be medium density. After that, immerse your hands for 15 minutes. Then we work the same way as last time: wipe, we apply your favorite cream.
- Potato decoction. Cook a few potatoes, cool the decoction and hold your hands in this brave. Next to the previous scenario.
For paraffin therapy, cosmetic paraffin will be purchased at the pharmacy. The procedure is done in this way:
- In a special dishes melt the paraffin. While he melts, raise his hands and clean them with a scrub.
- After that, apply the cream and lower your hands into a paraffin bath on a small segment of time (10 seconds).
- Then remove the handles for 10 seconds, and then lower the bath again. So it is necessary to make 5 approaches.
- As a result, a paraffin layer is formed, wrap your hands into the film and watch the towel. But it will be more convenient to put on thermal machines.
- After half an hour, we wash the paraffin with warm water and apply your favorite cream.
High-quality paraffin is expensive. In addition, you should get a special bath.
Mandatory daily care
Over the years, skin's skin becomes less elastic, wrinkles appear. Even if you are still pretty young, and your hands look great - this is not a reason not to care for them daily. Massay several rules for daily care:
- Wash your hands with natural organic soap. As a last resort, use liquid cream soap that carefully cleans. After washing your hands wipe dry.
- After any contact with water, be sure to apply cream. If the hands are dry, then you need to moisten more often, do not forget about food either. Let in your home in the bathroom, a bedroom, in the kitchen will stand on the jar of cream, then you definitely do not forget to use it.
- It is impossible to wash your hands with hot water and vice versa. From cold water, the skin will become coarse, and from too hot - dry. The best option will be warm water.
- Wash the dishes and remove always in gloves. This is the golden rule of care, but very often women neglect them. There is one nuance here: the skin from rubber sweats, which is badly affected on it. If possible, wear cotton gloves, and already after rubber. By the way, at that moment it would be good to make a mask for hands. Mix business with pleasure.
It is easy to care for your hands, you only follow the habit of paying attention to daily care and more thorough once a week. Then the result will delight, and men - kiss these hands infinitely.