Baths to strengthen nails at home

Baths to strengthen nails at home

Beautiful and strong nails got from nature far from every representative of the weak floor. And it becomes quite annoying if wonderful marigolds begin to crumble and break. Cosmetics manufacturers in vain offer means to solve this problem. But where is the guarantee that creams and ointments will justify their destination. There are many ways to strengthen the nails at home by handicrafts, and one of them is nail baths.

Prevention measures

For a positive outcome of any treatment, it is necessary to exclude the reasons that caused the appearance of ailment. Therefore, to strengthen our nails to begin with preventive actions:

  1. If you have to use caustic detergents or powders, lubricate your hands with cream or glycerin, and the rubber gloves are put on top.
  2. Nails need nutrition. Use good hand creams with vitamins, natural oils.
  3. Homemade manicure is able to spoil the most beautiful nails. Therefore, do not "shut up" the nails, as they will start to get out, and use a pailer with a large abrasiveness.
  4. Fashionable acrylic or gel nails increase only under the condition of the healthy state of their own nails.

Rules Application Nail Bath

If the nails are in poor condition, use the simple and cheap method - do the baths for them. When applying nailing baths, follow these rules:

  • water for the baths apply not very hot, about 40 ° C;
  • make the bath twice a week;
  • water take the volume from glass to one liter;
  • after the bath, make a massage and apply cream.

Oil baths

Nails are laying - they lack fatty indispensable acids. On ordinary oils will come to the aid:

  • Heat the usual vegetable oil, hold the nails in it for about 10 minutes. After the procedure, lubricate your nails with a decoction of oak bark. Make oil bath 10 days.
  • Add iodine, a few drops into heated oil. Cut the bath for 10 minutes. Oil after the procedure do not wash off, but blot with a napkin.
  • Olive oil, somewhere the floor of a glass, warm up. Bath for nails make 15 minutes. Cut the course at 45 days every five days.
  • Prepare the healing oil mixture of sunflower oil - 100 g, vitamin A, lemon juice and iodine. The mixture is warm and plunge into it nails. Use the course for 20 days daily for 20 minutes. The prepared mixture can be stored without a refrigerator, it is enough for the whole course.


Mineral Nail Baths

The following baths will help natural minerals to saturate nails:

  • Sea salt (1 spoon) dissolve in heated water, keep 20 minutes in the nails solution. Cut the baths about three weeks every other day.
  • In the water, put a spoonful of soda and add ten yeod drops. Bath can be held every day for 20 minutes two weeks. After 7 days, the course repeat.
  • Prepare a solution from a glass of water, floor spoons of salt, a few drops of iodine. In a warm bath, keep your hands up to 20 minutes. Hand wipe and smear the nutrient cream.
  • For the bath on mineral water, prepare cabbage juice (floor glass), pour it into the water and add tea brew (two spoons). Conduce a procedure for 15 minutes.


Nail Baths from herbs

Herbs improve blood circulation, strengthen nails. Prepare for your pens baths in the following recipes:

  • Heat 1 glass of beer, pour them daisy flowers and warm on a water bath for 15 minutes. Resurrection, cool down and keep your nails in it for 15 minutes.
  • Prepare the infusion of elm leaves, keep your nails in the scaffold up to 15 minutes.
  • Chamomile flowers pour boiling water, cover with a lid and wait 20 minutes, add to the infusion of tea tree oil (3 drops). Put for 15 minutes.


Baths for nails from vegetables and fruits

Fruits and vegetables saturate nails with vitamins and minerals useful for them:

  • Prepare a decoction of chamomile. Fill 2 tbsp. l. Chamomile glasses of water and boil five minutes. To the cooled composition, add juice from black currant berries. Hold the nails in the bath for 20 minutes.
  • Make a vegetable mixture of potatoes and cabbage juice. Each take half a glass. Make a bath for nails from juice 15 minutes, after it your hands blot with a napkin.
  • Cut the flesh of a small grapefruit, add glycerin to it, the alcohol is ammonia, a quarter of a cup. All mix well and keep your nails in the composition of up to 20 minutes. After the bath hand wash the herbal decoction.

Nail baths help cure brittle nails. Use simple proven recipes, and your nails will delight you with your beauty.

Comments leave a comment
Lena 14/11/2019 at 10:58.

I not only made the baths to roame the nails, but also the Marine Collagen Evalarovsky took obligatory (chose it, because the form is easily friendly). As for me, an integrated approach is always better working. Nails, by the way, really became stronger))


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