Nail olive oil

Nail olive oil

Well-groomed female hands attract universal attention and issue accuracy. But as a result of their homework, they are often stuck, and the nails become weak and lose a beautiful view. This problem will help to eliminate home therapeutic procedures and compliance with useful recommendations.

How olive oil helps strengthen nails

Olive oil is a source of many valuable components. Its composition contains useful acids that increase the strength of the nails. It also contains an important element - squalene, which contributes to moisturizing nails and hands. Thus, Olive oil is cautious not only behind the nails, but also hands. In addition, it has a beneficial effect on the digestive tract and gives strength to hair. These properties make valuable oil with one of the most essential products for the house.

Application of nail olive oil

Olive oil is used in different ways - make masks, wraps, baths. For higher efficiency, it can be combined with other components that strengthen the nails. Consider several recipes that will help you improve your marigolds.

Strengthening mask

Before bedtime, apply olive oil on your nails. After that, put the cotton gloves. For night, useful components will be able to absorb well. In the morning, wash your hands and apply a moisturizing cream. You will immediately see the result - the skin will become more silky, and the nails will get shine and strength. Mask is recommended to use 1-2 times a week.

Mask against nail separation

Some women are concerned advantageously stratifying nails. This suggests that the nails are not allowed for the necessary components and "sick." To prepare the recipe you will need 1 tbsp. l. Olives oils and 2-3 drops of iodine. The procedure is performed before bedtime. Mix the ingredients in the necessary proportions and a little warm them. The resulting mixture lubricate your nails and cuticles, then put the cotton gloves. In the morning, wash your hands and moisturize them with cream. The mask can be used 1 or 2 times a week.

Improving the appearance of nails

The next recipe will help you not only increase the strength of the nails, but also make them bright and shiny. Slightly warm olive oil, squeeze 2-3 drops of juice from lemon in it and plunge the nails into the cooked mixture. After 15 minutes, wash your hands and apply a moisturizing composition. This bath is recommended to do 1 time per week.

Mask with essential oils and vitamins

Olive oil can be combined with various essential oils (by 1 h. L. 1 drop of essential oil). They also have a beneficial effect on the nails. Specialists recommend combining olive oil with grapefruit essential oil, eucalyptus, lemon or rosemary. Instead of essential oils, oil solutions of vitamins A and E can be used (sold in capsules). Mix the ingredients you like and warm the mixture. Then plunge the nails into the heated bath for 15 minutes. At the end, wash your hands and smear the cream. Use this recipe 1 time per week.

For prophylaxis

Even if your nails are strong and healthy, spending strengthening procedures from time to time. For prophylaxis, rub the olive oil into the cuticle and nails. Then massage each marigold. Such rubbing will warm the oil and allow him to absorb better, and thanks to massage movements, the effect will turn out stronger.

Additional recommendations

Olive oil really helps to strengthen the nails, but without special nutrition, the effect will be short-granded. Review your diet. Fill up with fresh vegetables and fruits, greens, fish, dairy products, freshly squeezed juices. Almonds and dates are useful to increase nail strength. In the fall and in the spring, use vitamin complexes with calcium, as it is he who is responsible for full nutritional nails. Prefer the complexes in which calcium is contained with vitamin D. It is in this form that it is absorbed best.

Olive oil is very simple to use and gives excellent results. You can feel them after the first procedure. Remember that healing oil is recommended to be stored in a dark place, since the light can destroy its useful properties. Let your marigolds always be healthy and shiny!

Comments leave a comment
Natalia 05/10/2020 at 14:59

I just try more often olive oil to add to dishes, after all, polyunsaturated fatty acids are very important ... But at the same time I do not forget about collagen. I buy marine collagen from Evalar in the online store Fitomarket, it turns out so more profitable. These are these two things and help my nails are healthy support: do not leave, they do not break ... healthy, strong and beautiful)) grow well too

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