Olive oil from stretch marks

Olive oil from stretch marks

Olive oil is one of the most efficient and safe means to prevent the gaps of the skin or reduce the already available on the body of Striy. It can be used both in pure and diluted form using other oils and additives. Olive oil is the richest source of tocopherol and retinol (vitamins E and A), which speed up the processes of cellular update and prevent stretch marks.

It is for this reason that olive oil is part of many means of stretch marks, and is also very actively used in cosmetology. Moisturizing, enrichment with the necessary minerals, as well as smoothing - this is an incomplete list of the beneficial effects of this oil on the skin.

Stretching - these are broken tissues as a result of such reasons as:

  • quick weight set;
  • weight loss, strict diets;
  • hormonal restructuring in adolescence;
  • problems with endocrine system;
  • reducing the elasticity of the skin;
  • pregnancy;
  • premature skin aging.

The tendency to the appearance of stretch marks from each individual, and in many respects it is your heredity determines whether you have stretching on the body or not. One hundred percent way to avoid skin breaks does not exist, but to warn their appearance or reduce stria with the help of olive oil is quite possible.

For prevention of stretch marks, olive oil is rubbed in circular motions into problem parts of the body in the morning and in the evening. After applying, it will take some time to absorb it, and otherwise you can smear clothes. After the incident of the ten-fifteen minutes, blot the napkin the remains of olive oil on the body, and you can dress. In order not to be not only to warn and reduce the stretching on the body, but also pull the skin, the lemon juice is added to the olive oil at the calculation of one to one (the floor of the lemon on two tablespoons of oil) and rub into the skin.

For cosmetic procedures, it is better to use unrefined cold spin oil, as a larger amount of useful vitamins and minerals are maintained in a crude product. To combat stretch marks, you can make absorbing masks with Olive oil: Mix in one question 200 g used coffee grounds, 100 g of honey and 100 g of olive oil, apply and hold for 10-15 minutes on problem areas. Such peeling can be done no more than 2-3 times a week, so as not to damage the skin, it improves the blood circulation well and removes dead cell particles.

From the appearance of stretch marks on the body there is a fragrant recipe with the addition of cosmetic oils:

  • 30 ml of olive oil;
  • 15 ml of wheat sprout oil;
  • 15 ml of avocado oil;
  • 2 ml of geranium oil, calendula and lavender.

Mix everything, shake and apply in the morning and in the evening to the skin, stored in a dark place.

As effective means of stretch marks on olive oil, it is also possible to use nutrient masks with the addition of sour cream, home yogurt, cosmetic clay, honey and citrus.

The use of pure olive oil does not have contraindications, as this is a natural product. Olive oil is of great popularity in pregnant women, as well as in nursing mothers, and there are reasons: No expensive stretching remedy compares with the effect of applying olive oil for elasticity and skin restoration. And stretching - they are either there, or not, and more measure it depends on your tendency to them at the genetic level. But in any case, olive oil contributes to an increase in the elasticity and the level of collagen concentration in tissues, and the condition of your skin will significantly improve with regular use of olive oil.

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