How to remove stretch marks

How to remove stretch marks

Stretch marks and scars on the body, the person's unchanged satellites throughout his life. Independently stretch marks will not disappear, but today we know enough ways how to get rid of them.

What is stretch marks

Such problems often arise in young mothers during pregnancy and people who quickly gain weight. Stretch marks may also appear during the hormonal restructuring of the body and in the transition period. Unfortunately, this problem is relevant not only for female, but men are subject to such trouble.

  • Stretching is an atrophic scar that occurs as a result of a sharp stretch of fabrics. During the maximum tension of the skin, an internal observation occurs, which is subsequently replaced by a connective tissue.
  • Initially, the color of the stretching is red, but after the expiration of time it becomes white. There is a thin scar on the stretch margin.
  • Scars and stretch marks on the skin are subject to skin and roughness, which affects the common scale of the skin as a whole.

How to remove stretch march with a laser

The most effective procedure for removing stretch marks is called fractional laser thermolysis. First results you will see within two weeks that will remain for life. The event is very expensive, but today it is the only procedure that guarantees a 90% result.

  • The laser affects the skin with special rays and evaporates surface cells, thus equalizing the skin. Such an action does not damage, does not burn and does not injure the skin.
  • The procedure lasts about 20 minutes, does not require anneasiating, it is easily tingling. The whole process occurs at the cellular level.
  • During operation, tens of thousands of microson are formed, which destroy the old collagen cells of the scar.
  • After the session, the body begins to independently fill the loss, producing a new collagen. As a result, new cells restore the skin elasticity and elasticity.

How to remove stretch marks at home

In the modern world there is a huge amount of funds that prevents the appearance of stretch marks. On the recommendation of the doctors, the cream is considered to be the most effective, which includes vitamins of groups A and C. Vitamin C, as an acid, exfoliates the cells of the flabber skin, and vitamin A allows you to grow new, healthy cells. There are also several effective ways to combat stretch marks:

  • Before any home procedures, try to make the skin massage first. Doing rubbing, you increase blood flow to the stretch margin, which contributes to the active process of regeneration and restoration of damaged skin cells.
  • Coffee scrub - Mix 3-4 spoons of natural ground coffee with a glass of hot water, and then add a few drops of the tincture of the podpid pepper. Mix well and insist in a dark place for three days. In order to avoid an allergic reaction, apply the resulting scrub on a small area of \u200b\u200bleather. Throw the resulting mixture to obtain the maximum effect follows with circular motions on cleaned and sparkling skin.
  • Cream with mummy - for cooking creams, stocking of ordinary children's cream and mumi tablets, which are sold in each pharmacy. Mix two tablets with two spoons of hot water, wait for complete dissolution. After that, squeeze the half of the children's cream into a separate container and pour it into it, stirring, the resulting solution with mummy. It is important - it is necessary to pour a solution into cream, and not vice versa. Mix the ingredients to a homogeneous mass, and then you can add a few drops of essential oil for fragrance. The cream must be stored in the refrigerator and use daily.

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