How to remove stretch marks on the hips

How to remove stretch marks on the hips

Any female representative dreams about beautiful legs. But at the same time some have to hide them under clothing due to the fact that people will see stretch marks that can spoil the appearance of the most perfect legs. Therefore, for a long time, the question of the fight against stretch marks and the return of their own attractiveness remains relevant. Ways to fight stretch marks exist, but it is necessary to approach them comprehensively, only in this case you can get a positive effect. You can use homemade tools, make massages, cosmetic procedures in the salons.

The appearance of stretch marks on the body leads to the appearance of women and girls complexes. Therefore, it is necessary to focus on them. First of all, it is necessary to begin treatment with the use of specialized scrubs and creams, massage sessions, including proper nutrition and lifestyle.

How to remove stretch marks on hips - massages

This method of struggle will help in case of comprehensive treatment. Most often it is used with wrapping, peeling and using therapeutic agents. Thanks to the massage, blood circulation is improved, therefore, important substances are incurred deep into the skin. Stretching requires tremendous patience, because comprehensive procedures take a lot of time. If you make a massage, regularity is important here. Types of home massages:

  • Honey massage. To palm take some honey and patting the movement to handle stretch marks. Movement must be performed until the substance is absorbed. Then wash off all warm water.
  • Bay massage. An excellent way to fight not only with stretch marks, as well as with cellulite. For him, you will need banks that are in any pharmacy.
  • Manual method of massage. Ideal for preventive measures. Use it is necessary, if there are any preconditions. The procedure is performed using skin tweaking using essential oils. It is impossible to over-stretch the skin, because it is, and so has a tendency to do so.

How to remove stretch marks on the thighs - g idromassazh

This method of prophylactic and therapeutic. At home, it can be a douche, but in the cabin - underwater massage. All activities should be combined with other methods of struggle. In this case, you can soften scars and restore the elastic properties of the skin.

How to remove stretch marks on the thighs - wrap

Another effective way is considered wrap. It can be carried out both at home and in the salon environment. Before wrapping to do massage. To do this, you need to moisturize the skin using oil, then wrap film and covered with a woolen blanket. A very important point in the procedure is a holiday.

Procedure for wrapping with means effective: elastin and lanolin, cocoa and essential oils. It is important to check the means used for allergic reaction. If the skin turns red cover is not a day later, you can start the procedure.

How to remove stretch marks on the thighs - scrubs

Thanks to scrub the skin becomes soft and supple, this removes dead skin cells. They are used for stretch marks on any part of the body.

  • with sea \u200b\u200bsalt. To prepare scrub to mix 100 grams of sea salt and cream until a smooth consistency. The resulting mixture was applied to affected areas massaged for 10 seconds, then wash with water;
  • coffee scrub. If you are a coffee lover, then this method is suitable for you. Coffee grounds can be an excellent tool in the fight against streamers. Preparation: the thick cover with water, add a few drops of olive oil. With massage movements apply the mixture to the skin.

Professional methods of dealing with stretch marks on the thighs

Today is a very popular salon treatment:

  • ozone therapy.Under the skin are injected with a mixture of ozone and oxygen. After 8 sessions, you can see the results;
  • vitamin injection. Excellent resolves scars and stretch marks. It is similar to the procedure of the script ozone therapyJust under the skin injected vitamins;
  • ultrasound.The procedure involves the examination. If no chronic diseases, it is possible to perform the procedure. The course takes up to 12 weeks;
  • mesotherapy.Effective before and after the procedure peeling. At gallstone disease treatment is prohibited;
  • chemical and laser peeling.These methods are most effective, at the same time painful, so they are carried out under anesthesia.

If you regularly take a contrasting shower, then you can exclude the development of white and blue stripes on your body. At the same time it is advisable to make a light peeling. If you are in an interesting position, then in the last months you need to wear a bandage, as well as a bra who supports the chest well. Elastin contained in creams gives the skin of elasticity, on giving it to break. Thanks to massages, the skin will be in a tone. If you regularly carry out preventive measures, then your skin will be smooth and beautiful.

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