How to remove fat with knees

How to remove fat with knees

Beautiful legs with sharp knees are the part of the female body that invariably attracts the attention of men and envious views of women who do not have such slim dignity. Therefore, fat in the field of knees is another of the cosmetic defects that women declare war. However, you immediately need to configure that fat deposits on the knees will keep defense for a long time. Therefore, for victory over them, it is necessary to create a strong motivation for themselves and use all possible ways. We will tell you the most effective of them.

Proper nutrition

In the fight against fat, first of all, it is necessary to limit its admission to the body from the outside, that is, with food. Such a limitation concerns animals and trans fat, the vegetable fats can not be excluded from the diet, but to use them in moderate quantities. Advantage Given protein food and complex carbohydrates. Minimize the amount of salt, sugar and acute food. Your menu should include light dishes (oatmeal, boiled low-fat fish or meat, seafood), juices, yogurts and low-fat cottage cheese, fruits, vegetables, greens. Also try to eat fractionally, breaking the daily diet for 4-5 meals.

Proper physical exertion

Fat in the knee, as in any other problem zone, will not dissolve and will not disappear without exercise. Therefore, at a minimum, ignore the elevators and (if possible) public transport, make charging and exercises at home. Very useful for harmony of legs to do walking (ideally - Scandinavian) or running, cycling or rollers, jumps on the rope. As a maximum - combine jogging with regular sports (gym, shaping, pilates, swimming) or dancing. But the main thing - proceed from your health and readiness for physical exertion.

Proper exercises from fat over the knees

In essence, you will suit you any exercises on the feet aimed at losing weight. However, among them there are somewhat particularly effective in relation to the field of knees. For example, drops ahead from the position of "legs together, hands on the belt." Drops are made alternately by both legs in exhale. The number of repetitions is 15-20 times. Another exercise for bias from the knees is sloping from the position sitting on the knees. From the specified initial position (do not sit down on your feet) you need to deviate smoothly (as far as possible, not by omitting the ass) and come back. Start with 2 approaches 10 times. It can be included in your home exercise complex and this is bending-extension of legs in the sitting position, focus on the arm bent in the elbows. Hands place behind yourself, bend legs in your lap and alternately bend-begging. Try to make 2 approaches of 25-30 times each foot.

Home Training-3

Proper wraps for beautiful knees

Do not do in the struggle for the beauty of the knees and without cosmetic procedures. Wraps are most effective in this sense. As an active composition, such procedures can be used both ready-made creams or masks and cooked home products. From the latter by reviews, it leads to wrapping with a mask of cabbage and sour cream (or kefira): finely torn cabbage (better than a young) and mix it well with a selected fermented with a selected dairy product. Apply the mass on your knee and wrap this part of the feet for 20-25 minutes. Excellent copes with the splitting of fat honey with the addition of (optional) a pair of geranium or citrus essential oil. In this case, the wrapping is better to do half an hour. As a mask for accurate knees, it is possible to use a blue clay, diluted with water to the consistency of sour cream. The time of this wrapping is 2-3 hours. To enhance the effect of such a mask, it is recommended to lie down under warm blanket or wear warm pants (thermal underwear).

Take care and make the right nutrition and physical exertion with your habit - and they will become an integral part of your life, and your knees, as well, and the whole body is your pride.

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Larisa 10/26/2019 at 10:31

Oh, yes, if only on your knees I was ... I generally had a lot of excess weight. Only a nutritionist helped to properly approach the solution of the problem: I advised the lipotropic factor Evalarovsky to take, he just contributes to the removal of fat (I order, by the way, in the online store, the phytomarket, it is more convenient), an additional L-carnitine, of course ... well, workouts with PP- Without it, nowhere. The effect already notice, dropped a lot! Mono diets (which are so much popular) did not give such an effect ...

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