How to remove the stars on the legs

How to remove the stars on the legs

Small blood vessels protruding on the skin in the form of clusters of thin matted threads - asterisks are caused by the disease called cooperoz. Many women are subject to this disease. As a rule, it delivers inconvenience only in terms of appearance. Often manifests itself on the legs, because They account for the main burden during the day.

Causes of appearance cooperosis and prevention

The best way to get rid of vascular stars is to prevent their appearance. Therefore, do not hesitate if you have any of these problems:

  • Cooperoz Most often is inherited. So, if your family members have this disease, ensure the right care.
  • Domestic diseases (liver or circulatory system) sooner or later lead to the appearance cooperosis. Timely pass medical examinations and care for your diseases.
  • Excessive leg load leads to congestive phenomena in capillaries. Try to slightly reduce the load and sometimes light massage.
  • Dry skin holders have a predisposition to the appearance of vascular meshes. The selection of body skin care products should be carried out carefully, avoiding scrubs with abrasive particles.
  • Sub-quality nutrition, smoking, frequent stress and alcohol use negatively affects the state of blood vessels. For the sake of skin and vessels, review your habits and way of life.

Treatment cooperosis in the cabin

In case of appearance cooperosis On the legs are unlikely to do without a hike to the beautician. The cosmetic room will eliminate not only the manifestations of the disease, but also causes it. After the course of procedures in order to prevent new manifestations cooperosis Include in the diet more vitamin C.


During the procedure, extended vessels are destroyed by an electrical pulse, which is served through a thin needle. Conduct electrocoagulation once a week for several procedures for the complete elimination of stars. After the procedure may remain redness from the needle.

Photo- and laser therapy

This type of treatment is suitable in the most running cases. Before the procedure, the doctor must define your photoType skin and check how sensitive skin is, because With incorrect exposure to the laser, complications are possible in the form of pigment stains or skin discoloration.

Ozone therapy

To eliminate stagnant phenomena in the vessels in the skin are injected oxygen-ozone A mixture that satures oxygen cells. This activates their functioning, contributing to the disappearance of vascular meshes. The procedure is safe and after does not cause any complications.

Folk treatments cooperosis

In the early stages of the asterisk on the legs, you can try to remove at home. Folk medicine includes many recipes that if not cured, then at least improve the skin condition:

  • A tablespoon of herbal collection from daisy flowers, calendula and horse chestnut pour a glass of boiling water and negotiated for 5 minutes. In the cooled brave, moisten the napkin and attach the compress to the skin area with vascular asterisks. Keep 20 minutes.
  • In the earliest stages cooperoz You can cure with contrasting gums from medicinal beams. For hot beam, take in equal parts of nettle and rosemary, and for cold - sage. Alternately apply to the skin with a napkin moistened in hot, and then cold brave. Perform for 1 procedure up to 8 such a bums.

To remove the stars on the legs, it is desirable to first set the food and a healthy lifestyle, but only then begin to therapeutic cosmetic procedures.

Comments leave a comment
Maria 09/30/2015 at 10:04.

And phototherapy on the thigh removes the asterisk? I tried on my face, helped. I want to make some operation after Phlebodia course so that the legs are completely started as before.

To answer
Anna 12/28/12 at 19:22

On the hip it is best to remove the asterisk by sclerosing, but if there are many of them, then you need to do several procedures, and not one. And the phlebodia drinks from the stars is useless, it is from the inside the vessels treats, but externally in no way restores.

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Kate 12/28/2015 at 21:32

Previously he treated Vienna Detralex, now the doctor said to go to Phlebodia. Of course, it is more convenient to drink it, just once a day, but in the rest I did not feel the difference. The point was to change the drug, incomprehensible.

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Alina 16/01/2016 at 18:09

And the meaning of overpaying for Detralex? Phlebodia is no less inferior, but it is half less.

To answer
Nastya 01/17/2016 at 20:08

"Detralex" is worse than the stomach, than "phlebodia". From him and heartburn, and nausea. There is no such from her.

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