How to remove natopeshi on the legs

How to remove natopeshi on the legs

A number of factors, the most common of which are considered to be the presence of flatfoot, wearing narrow or uncomfortable shoes, often on high heels or with a thin sole, a long time on the legs without resting. They represent damaged areas of the skin on the feet, and their occurrence is a protective reaction of the dermis on the mechanical external pressure. It is not so difficult to remove them, the main thing is to carry out all the procedures regularly. Consider ways of getting rid of the hopes.

Natopal treatment is carried out, as a rule, at home. Effective means in the fight against them are various keratolithic agents in the form of ointments and creams that have dairy or salicylic acid, resorcin, urea. They have proven themselves among them as follows: Leak, Neutrogena, Doctor Corn, Scholl, 5 days, Bensalitin, Farmasi, Namozol 911, Green Pharmacy, Sante, Quotlan, Tiande. Use them according to the instructions, avoid getting into healthy skin areas. Contraindication to use is usually only the individual intolerance to the components of these funds. It will not be superfluous to stick special plasters, for example, Urgo, Compeed, Salipod and others.


You can also apply Japanese socks that have become popular, which includes many healing herbs. It should be put on approximately an hour, and then wash the steps with warm water. Various folk recipes for the removal of hopes are equally effective. Take advantage of this: Mix two spoons of chamomile flowers, mint, videos and sage, brew boiling water with two liters, cool down a bit and hook for half an hour in this nasty foot. Or in such a way: 30-5 tablets aspirin and analgin, the resulting powder mix with a half of the iodine bottle, pour the solution into the glass container and insist the day or two. Keep the remedy in the refrigerator, lubricate them with a natopsty several times a week.


Resort to this method: 200-250 grams of bone-purified bones pour a liter of hot milk, boil for a quarter of an hour, let me strengthen as much as the same, then dispel it, cool down and apply the resulting cleaner to problem spaces for 6-8 hours. Effectively and this means: twist the fresh swine fat, grind garlic, mix (at the rate of 3: 1), attach a lot to a natoptach, wrap the foot of the food film and put on a woolen sock, hold a few hours. You can use this ointment: connect the tablespoon of vinegar with the same number of olive or castor oil, add a raw egg, leave the mixture in the cold for all day, and in the evening you treat it sick places, keep the night, and wash the night, and wash it in the morning. Lubricate Natoptyshi juice or a lewn lens.

Trying such a means: take a 300 gram of sour curd, add three chicken bulbs to it and two tablespoons of vegetable oil, mix all the mass into plastic bags and lower the feet in them, tie a bandage by creating a greenhouse effect, rinse the legs after four hours. Also several times a week, process the problem places with a mixture of glycerol and castor oil or ammonia alcohol taken several times. Apply a mixture of lemon juice, liquid honey and aloe juice for a couple of hours. In the absence of positive dynamics from the use of the above funds, resort to more radical methods of combating holopesm - cryodestruction and laser therapy.


For the prevention of possible subsequent relapses, try to select the most comfortable shoes, do not pass the walking on the heels, use special pencils, indulge your legs with a massage.

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faith 07/10/2015 at 15:32

Once upon a time on the Internet, asking how to remove natopeshi. Found your wonderful article. And made and baths and compresses. Helped. Knowing my girlfriend's leg problems gave pedicure socks on NG. I tried them .. The effect instant for 8 day - everything is clearly according to the instructions. Sleeping the legs-ended in the socks 1 hour - she took them out - no legs - after 3 days began to shoot the skin .... After another 4, all the tears and I sit with such legs !!! I myself can not fall on them !! Smooth, pink .. miracle and not legs !! In general, I advise everyone to try! Natoptyshi disappeared!

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Lisa 01/22/2016 at 13:30

Faith, and also a classic means - the plaster of Salipod. Helps from a hurray. Initially, as usual we break the legs in the bath. Then we wipe dry, well, and only then, glue to the corn the plaster. Two days keep and remove. And Voila, from calluses exactly nothing will remain. Here is my way.

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Arina 23/07/2021 at 1:19

I managed to remove the natoptyshi with the help of ointment urmp. I brought it under the film and socks overnight, the heading skin softened and I took it to a pedicure saw. Now I use this ointment regularly and the skin in the footsteps always remains soft and moistened.

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