How to remove the corn on the leg

How to remove the corn on the leg

Close and uncomfortable shoes, feet sweating, dry leather stop and insufficient hygiene - all this can cause education on skin of such troubles as corns. There are various types of corns, and for each of them use their treatment methods.

Wet corn pin the usual bactericidal plaster. If the formation of a blister happened, do not rush to punch it. Its preservation will help avoid infection and relieve unwanted consequences in the form of education on this place of dry corn. If the blister is damaged, do not remove the bundled skin, remove the remains of lymphs using sterile wool and fool the corn with the greenfront. Pour the wound with a bactericidal plaster, periodically processing it with syntomicin ointment.

Remove dry corn using pharmacy. Buy any plaster from corns containing salicylic acid. Cutting such a plaster on the size of the corn, stick it for several days, after which try to clean the skin with a special non-footing knife or pembia.

Use various creams and gels from the corners, for example, fabrication, ferazole, super antymosole. All of these means are in their composition of acid affecting the damaged skin, softening them for subsequent removal.

From the folk remedies from dry corns, the compresses with a bounte onion or raw potatoes are very effective. Pre-raise your legs and lubricate places around corn with fat cream. Potatoes or onions Sattail on a shallow grater and attach through 1 layer of gauze to the skin area with a corner. Secure the compress using a food film or an ordinary plaster and leave it overnight. Procedure Perform a few days in a row to the complete softening of the damaged skin, breaking the legs daily and treating the pembly corn.

Use compresses with aloe or garlic juice. Cut the scarlet leaf along input and stick to the plaster to the cattle for the night. Garlic swell on a shallow grater and secure Cashitz on the corn. After several such procedures, the corn will easily remove pembia.

Massage helps well from calluses. Light movements daily massage the feet, rubbing moisturizing cream with mint or menthol to improve blood circulation. More often go bosia. This will not only improve the condition of the skin of the stop and remove fatigue from the legs, but also will have a beneficial effect on the whole organism.

Softening the dry corn, falling in the water in water with the addition of salt and soda, in proportion of 1 tablespoon on a 3 liter of water. Spagned corn and burned skin remove with pumice, metal grater or manicure scissors. Then lubricate your skin with a moisturizing cream. Repeat the procedure several times to achieve a positive effect. Also useful baths with chamomile.

It is difficult to treat at home the so-called soda corn. This is a dry threshold corn of a rounded form, deepening its core in the deepest layers of the skin. To process only externally, such corn is almost useless. If you do not remove the rod, it will again grow up, causing pain and inconvenience when walking. Contact your dermatologist or cosmetologist to obtain complex treatment of this disease.

If the visit to the specialists is impossible, stick to the patient the plaster of Salipod. Do not trite such a corn with a pimple - a rod corn can wear a viral or fungal character, friction can aggravate and spread the disease. As the upper layers are removed, remove it with manicure scissors. When the rod becomes visible, pull it out by tweezers, then pour into the resulting recess of the iodine solution. Treat space with antiviral ointments and antifungal agents, stick the wound to the plaster to full healing.

Prevent the appearance of profound corns will help constantly moisturizing the skin of the legs with cosmetic creams, systematic use of pumice during bathing procedures, comfortable breathable shoes and regular visits to a pedicure salon. Well-kept leather Stop - the key to the health of the entire body.

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Varvara 08/31/2015 at 1:13.

And I was helped by Japanese Pedicure Baby Foot socks. They were advised in a pharmacy. I bought, I did everything according to the instructions. Corn has gone together with the layers of dry skin. Before that garlic cake taped a dry corn with a pin, but sometimes she germinated again

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Venus 06/01/2016 at 13:17

Socks from calluses somehow did not happen to try) I always "fly" with a special plaster - Salipod called, it is completely satisfied with me. Pretty comfortable and easy to use, and helps fast - 2 days and from corn not a trace

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Sonya 20/01/2016 at 13:56.

And I have a dry corn for half a year no rest gives. Now so many methods, and I would like the most efficient. Is the plaster really helps so quickly, can anyone else tried?

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yule 21/01/2016 at 4:45.

Sonya, I used it more than once. An excellent plaster, softens the corn in two days, then only pembassal to lose it and the leg becomes clean and smooth. I like to use them very much, because painlessly, without any problems, stuck it all. It holds on the skin it is hard. In addition, he is expensive, but quite effective.

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yule 25/01/2016 at 6:43.

It is not more precisely expensive and just a good solution for our crisis now.

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Zoya 02/19/2016 at 7:18.

I applied Aloe on the advice of my grandmother, but I didn't help me how he helped me, and it's not convenient to go with him.

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Ramin 02/19/2016 at 14:51

I have never heard that the corn can be removed with Aloe, and I do not believe in folk remedies. Here is the plaster of Salipod, it is yes, for me this is the most effective means. Corn after him leaves herself, so soft becomes me even as Yule Pembia did not have to rub it. Zoe, try this plaster, I assure it much better Aloe.

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Zina 29/01/2021 at 1:32.

Selrous article, I took advantage of the apecaccide, which is mentioned here, and without problems removed the dry corn on the foot. Before that, a lot tried to remove it and everything is unsuccessfully. And this means is not expensive at all, and helped the first time

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