How to remove furuncul

How to remove furuncul

At first it may seem that it is just a pimple, only large. It takes a little time, and the cavity of the tuberca is filled with pus, it begins to root. In this case, you need to know that you are dealing with a furuncle and squeeze it as a simple pimple will not work. Candling the question of how to remove the furuncle, it is necessary to understand the causes and consequences of its occurrence.

The furuncle arises due to the inflammation of the row and filling in the surrounding fabrics by gentle. It looks like a tubercle, which can be the size of a pea, and can achieve and the values \u200b\u200bof walnut. Its appearance is accompanied by redness, swelling, itching and pain of the affected area. Especially dangerous for the occurrence of chirns of the nasolabial triangle and nasal cavity.

The reason for the occurrence of a furuncle - enter the body through small damage to the skin of bacteria - staphylococci. Their activity causes the appearance of a pus, so do not try to warm the affected area - you can provoke it in the blood and infection of the entire body!

Try to cure the chirns at home only in the first stages of occurrence. To do this, treat the affected area by an antiseptic and impose a gauze bandage with the ointment "Levomecole", creek the medicine with a plaster. This ointment contains an antibiotic that kills an infection. Antiseptic effects are ointment of Vishnevsky and ichthyolic ointment.

Folk remedies for the treatment of boils include baked onions and plantain leaves (apply in the form of a compression to the place of the journey). You can wash the furuncle with a warm decoction of chamomile and calendula. A mixture of fir oil and ointment of Vishnevsky will strengthen the antiseptic effect (add no more than 1 drop of oil!). You can fervent birch leaves, cool and attach to the furuncle. With any domestic treatments, do not tighten more than 3 days.

If within 3 days the pus does not go out, you need to hurry to the doctor. After an anesthetic injection, it will make an incision and will release the pus, after which he disinfects the wound. If the furuncle does not treat or treat it wrong, it threatens hospitalization and serious complications.

The most common causes of the appearance of boils are reduced immunity, improper nutrition, non-compliance with hygienic standards, skin damage, disorder of the gastrointestinal disorder, metabolic disorders, hormonal disorders, ARZ, diabetes mellitus. Therefore, after eliminating the furuncle, it is desirable to undergo a comprehensive examination to identify the cause of its appearance.

Incorrect treatment can provoke the development of a furunculese - a multiple recurring rash of boils on different parts of the body. Also, furunculosis may indicate the presence of diabetes.

Self-treatment can be very dangerous for your health. Before trying any method on myself, carefully read the data on what a furuncle is and how to remove the furuncle, relying as a source of information on medical directories and words of specialists.

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Nina 11/10/2020 at 22:24

I save from the furunculus with the help of Mazi naphtaderm. It not only relieves inflammation well, but also pulls the pus, and also has a disinfecting and healing effect. Thanks to this ointment, I always manage to cure grauncula on my own, without resorting to the services of the surgeon.


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