An annoying painful furuncle - almost everyone faced with this disease. It may appear on his face, stomach, hips - almost on any part of the body, except for the feet, fingers and palms, causing a lot of inconvenience.
Doctors assure that the furuncle arises, if the rules of hygiene, subsequently microtrams, with a weak immune system and increased sweating are not respected. The furuncle may form once and no longer disturbing, but multiple skin lesions appear, then it's about furunculese, and you need to visit the doctor.
How to determine what a furuncle began to develop? Initially, the dust reminds the usual pimple, only painful. This education arises due to the acute inflammation of the hair bag and connective tissue, in the center of which an ulcer is formed on 3 days. Already on 5-7 days, the opening is revealed with the release of the pus and the rod. From this point on, recovery comes, the pain subsides, inflammation decreases.
Sometimes there is no possibility to consult a doctor, then it is necessary to treat the skin around a furuncle 3% boric or 2% salicylic alcohol, you can use the joda tincture. When the pus has already come out, you need to apply an ointment with antiseptic properties (ichthyol, "levomexol" and "levosin", others).
From the folk remedies, the use of lemon, both in the role of an external antiseptic, and for internal use in the form of infusion is also recommended. It is necessary to crush the zest of one lemon, add 20-25 g of yarrow herbs and pour with warm water (200 g). Insuading a mixture of at least 2-3 hours, strain and leave in a warm place for another hour. The infusion is recommended to take 2 tsp. Three times a day as a immunizing agent. Even effectively acts in the infusion of lemon zest from 1 tsp. Oils and 3 h. l. Herbers herbs (pour 2 glasses of boiling water and insist 2 hours), it must be taken in 1 tbsp. three times a day.
For external use prepare a cake from 1 tsp. Honey, egg yolk, small quantity of butter and wheat flour. Mixing on the water bath liquid ingredients and oil, flour to the state of a steep dough. From the test you need to form five cakes, each of which is to apply for a boil overnight for the night, securely fixing the bandage or adhesive plate. As evidenced by people's healers, already on the third day, the furuncul will open and recovery.
In cases where the furuncle is just starting to form, the buckwheat cake is perfect. Frozing in a pan 4 tbsp. Buckwheat, it is necessary to chop it on the coffee grinder, and knead the steep dough using an apple vinegar. This pellet stops the process of formation of a furuncle, it must be applied to the patient space for 1-2 hours 2-3 times a day.
Our grandfathers and great-grandfathers for the treatment of boils, or, as they spoke in the old days, the chilli, used baked onions baked before soft. The cooled bulb is cut and applied a cut to form for 2 hours, repeating the procedure 3 times a day.
It is even easier to apply in therapeutic purposes grated raw potatoes, which must be applied to the boil and, cover the piece of polyethylene film, consolidate the compress for an hour. Repeating these simple manipulations 2-3 times a day, you can achieve a positive effect on the second day.
When forming a furuncle, it is better not to engage in self-medication - unpleasant complications may arise. But if it is not possible to consult a doctor, you can try folk remedies, clearly remembering the rule: if the situation has not improved on the third day, you must immediately consult a specialist in a surgeon or a dermatologist.
That's right, we need to treat the surgeons with the furunculas, and he will already determine who needs to open it and clean, and who can do it outdoor treatment. Personally, I was lucky, in my case my ointment was helped by naphtaderm, she took off the inflammation and pulled the pus, so it was not necessary to resort to surgical interference.
That's right, we need to treat the surgeons with the furunculas, and he will already determine who needs to open it and clean, and who can do it outdoor treatment. Personally, I was lucky, in my case my ointment was helped by naphtaderm, she took off the inflammation and pulled the pus, so it was not necessary to resort to surgical interference.