How to get rid of wen on the body

How to get rid of wen on the body

The fact that the people are usually called wen, in medicine is called lipoma. This subcutaneous education, which not only has an inesthetical appearance, but delivers a lot of unpleasant sensations. What are the reasons for the appearance of lipomas and how to eliminate it with the help of modern medicine and folk remedies - we will tell in this article.

What is Lipoma

Lipoma (Fair) is a benign fatty soft consistency tumor, which grows in the subcutaneous layer of connecting loose tissue. It can suddenly appear at what plenty of body, where there is a fatty tissue, and sometimes it occurs on the internal organs. According to surgeons, the lipom is a capsule filled with dense fat.

Why fat appear on the body

Despite the big progress in medicine, the doctors still do not know the exact causes of the advent of wen. They are very small, several millimeters in diameter, and are detected exclusively with adhesion, and there are very large - more than 5 cm, which are visible to the naked eye. Warms can remain unchanged and do not disturb the person, and they may grow to huge sizes in a short time and give painful sensations. One of the most likely reasons for the appearance of a lipo doctors consider impairment of substances, which is accompanied by insufficient developing in the body of regulatory proteins-enzymes.

Recipes for the treatment of wiring with the help of folk remedies

If the situation is not catastrophic and fat does not have complications, then you can try to solve the problem with the help of folk remedies. In numerous sources you can find many diverse recipes. We give a few of those that patients are most positive:

  • Treatment onion. A small bulb we bake in the oven and warm apply to a problem site, covering from above with a cotton and a piece of polyethylene film. We repeat the procedure until the fat will disappear.
  • Using aloe or calangean. For two weeks, freshly cut along a leaf of the plant should be applied to the walker. In the case of applying calangean, the fat is dissolved, but if you use aloe, after some time in the center of the lipoma, a rod with a hole will appear through which the entire accumulated fat mass will be released.
  • Healing grass. Its name is a medicinal plant that received precisely thanks to the effectiveness in the treatment of wen. On its basis, special compresses are preparing. For this, 50 g of heated butter is mixed with two tablespoons of the squeeze. The resulting mixture is superimposed 1 time per day (preferably - overnight) on the affected place. All patients treated with this herb mark the very rapid appearance of a positive result.

Aloe 2.

Medical and cosmetology procedures

Not so long ago, the only method of removing wen was used in medicine - operational intervention with the help of an ordinary scalpel.

Today there are many alternative and not such traumatic methods, including:

  • laser beam removal;
  • cryodestruction (removal with liquid nitrogen);
  • radio wave method (removal of a radio wave scalpel that does not leave postoperative traces).

The medicine

In the treatment of wen, the main thing is not to postpone it in a long box. If folk methods do not help, you should contact the doctors, especially if the girovik inflamed or began to increase in size. After all, this may be a signal that the process of transformation of lipomas in malignant education is a liposarcoma.

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