The appearance of warts is an extremely unpleasant event, especially when it comes to eyes. In the age of the ages in some cases may not disturb, but basically cause serious discomfort for sight and may even have a certain danger. It includes various serious diseases, inflammation and cutting the eyeball. The most amazing thing is that the cause of the growth of warts in most cases is pollution of the eye under normal living conditions. We find out how to solve this problem.
We treat at home
In the fight against unexpected growths, the eyes will help garlic infusion. For its preparation, you need to finely cut five small cloves of garlic, pour them with a small amount of apple vinegar and let it stand about a week. The resulting solution should point to the wart twice a day. In no case do not need to smear the whole eye, and even more so make a compress, the composition should not get into the eyelid. With regular use in a few days, the wart will disappear itself.
For the compress, a mixture of honey with a bow is suitable. Dilute a teaspoon of honey with two teaspoons of onion juice and we get the necessary concentrate. I will apply it on cotton. Fix to place with a wart and keep at least half an hour. The procedure is repeated several times a day. Must with a moisture cream plot with wart before applying the compress.
The most neutral method is a row with aloe juice. We tear the leaf of aloe, cut along and a small piece lie on the wart. Particularly effective procedure, if the sheet is left overnight. But before it should be cleaned with skin with soda.
A good result is given frequent moxibustion of warts with sour apple juice. Sweet is not useful because it does not contain a sufficient amount of apple acid necessary to oppress the wart. Therefore, we use only very sour taste. The desired effect will happen not earlier than in a week.
Also to defeat the growths on the eyelids will help raw potatoes. He perfectly dries warts and leaves marks and scars. It is necessary to carefully chop potatoes and smears to apply in the eyelid several times a day during the week.
There is another interesting recipe confrontation of warts - applying dry ice. Wet ice will not be able to provide the desired freezing effect, so it is necessary to use only a very frozen piece of ice.
Professional help
In the clinics there are many options for removing warts. It should be noted that the surgical method for the century is categorically not suitable. Pay attention to the laser treatment method. He is painless and very fast. When burning with a laser, special glasses dressed so as not to damage the eyes. After this process, there will be no traces, and the upper layer of the skin will die and will disappear over time.
It is also effective to eliminate high-frequency radio-salts. The procedure resembles a laser method, but instead of a laser, radio wave is used. The result comes out similar. The skin after treatment acquires a completely healthy look.
Another of the popular options is cryotherapy. If the first two methods are based on burning, then this uses the freezing effect. The destruction of warts is carried out by freezing liquid nitrogen. This is the most fast way from all those discussed above.
It's important to know
The main rule is that the wart can simply take and tear off from the century it is impossible to be categorically, since the remaining roots will lead to an inflammatory process, and the situation will exacerbate. Also, the wrong removal can burn the skin in the eyelids on its own, so it is best to appeal to those skilled in this case. In addition, in rare cases, warts are malignant, and any manipulation can instantly worsen overall well-being. It should also be understood as the nature of the formation of outcrops. Very often, their occurrence is associated with low immunity, high fatigue, in contact with infection in the eyes due to non-compliance with hygiene, as well as with frequent insomnia. These aspects should be taken into account and prevent their manifestations.
Knowing and applying all the items listed above, correctly and painlessly remove the wart from the century will not be difficult. It follows only to appeal to the doctor either to deal with the method of treatment, but the main thing is not to make it harm to yourself. Let our eyes always be healthy, beautiful and without warts.