How to get rid of kondil

How to get rid of kondil

Against the background of a constant deterioration of the immune system, about 75% of the population are faced with various skin neoplasms. Most of them are characterized by viral nature of origin and the ability to transmit others to close contact. The latter includes epithelial growths - Condyloma - caused by human papillomavirus. These are the pauses of the epithelium on the mucous membranes, most often in the urogenital and anal area or in front of the eye. They are inflammatory character, can grow into highlights with a total diameter of up to 2 cm or form whole colonies.

Condyl removal with medical preparations

Kondyloma resembles a miniature inflorescence of cauliflower pale pink. Favorite localization places Conder - warm and wet areas of the skin, namely: neck, female and men's genital organs, eyes, palm, mouth, anorectal area, axillary depressions. Provided that the Condylomas are single and small size, drug treatment of outcrops is allowed.

  • Kondil. This is a vegetable extract of Podophyllum plants. The drug is applied only on a building with the help of a special applicator twice a day according to the scheme: three days - treatment, four days - a break. The duration of the course is not more than 5 weeks.
  • Socoderm. Acid-containing drug, which causes necrosis of epithelium cells. After processing, the Condylomes decrease, black and over time disappear. To remove Kondil is enough one procedure.
  • Imikvad. Cream based on synthetic substance imiquimod. Actively removes pointed circularities. It is applied three times a day in a day.

Advice! Preparations for removal of Kondil must be selected only by the doctor, given their variety, benignness and degree of growth.

  Delete Condyl with specialists

Often, condylomas capture hard-to-reach places or occupy a large skin area. In such cases, a more reliable method is recommended - surgical removal.

  • Cryotherapy. This is a simple and inexpensive method to get rid of Condyl. On the affected areas affect liquid nitrogen, the Condylomes are destroyed and fall off.
  • Laser therapy. Under local anesthesia, condyloma formations are removed by a laser.
  • Deterlamocaugulation. This is a more radical method using special equipment with high-frequency irradiation. A special knife at a high temperature cuts out the growth and causing the location of the Condyl.

And whether you know ... according to the form of the outer surface of the condyloma are divided into flat, papulese, pointed and erogenous. Flat are considered the most dangerous, since they deeply germinate in the tissue and can be reborn into the flat-bell form of skin cancer.

Condyl removal using simple folk recipes

It is possible to remove the ill-fated condylomas at home. But it will require this much more time and strength.

  • Iodine. With the help of a cotton wand you need to lubricate the Condylomes 3-5 times a day before their complete disappearance.
  • Celandine. The fresh juice of the plant should process the growths 3-4 times a day until they disappear.
  • 70% acetic essence. Pre-smeared the skin with cream around the kondil, you must neatly apply an essence. You will need 2-3 procedures and condylomas will be held.

On a note! Often, the condylomas are broken between themselves, begin to be mixed and the liquid is distinguished. This contributes to the reproduction of the pathogenic flora and the allocation of unpleasant odors.

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Regina 30/06/2020 at 10:08.

Diagnosis: underdeveloped pregnancy, the reason turned out to be HPV 16 type + herpes virus, and camelomes were. For six months, he was treated for everyone. I'll tell you immediately, Alokine Alpha helped, colole subcutaneously, after 3 months I checked - the analyzes are clean! The next pregnancy went well, the nervous very much, but I have a healthy baby, what is very happy


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