How to get rid of stomatitis

How to get rid of stomatitis

Stomatitis is an unpleasant disease of the oral cavity, which is manifested in the form of small, but numerous ulcers on the inside of the cheek, heaven and lips. This disease not only delivers significant discomfort to a person, but is also extremely dangerous for those who surround people, because stomatitis can be transmitted with a kiss.

Stomatitis is an inflammatory process to eliminate it, it is necessary to initially get rid of the main cause of inflammation. It can be sick teeth, damaged gums or poor oral hygiene as a whole.

Treatment of Stomatitis by people

  • Rinsing peroxide. Regular rinse will help hold disinfection Oral cavities and kill evolved microbes. Init 2 ppm hydrogen peroxide in 250 ml of warm water. Rinse at least 5 times a day and see a positive result in the shortest time.
  • Soda mortar for kids. Divide 2 tsp. Food soda in a glass of warm water. Watch the cooked soda solution with a cotton disk, then carefully treat your mouth with a child. It is recommended to conduct a cleansing procedure every time after meals.
  • Oil processing. Effective is the processing of the affected area with such oils as sea buckthorn or peach. Soak your cotton disk with oil, then wake each yazelle well.
  • Aloe leaves. This treatment is suitable for people with stomatitis developing in language. The leaves of the plant must be carefully chewed, after which itching and thoroughly rinse the oral cavity carrot juice with boiled water.
  • Garlic porridge. Grind 1-2 heads of garlic, then mix with 2 tbsp. sour cream or prostokvashi. Prepared Cashitz need spread Along the mouth and process the gums, leave for 15-20 minutes, then rinse with warm water. The therapeutic procedure should be made every day 3-4 times a day.
  • Raw potatoes. Cut the potatoes in small slices or plates, then attach to ulcers for 5 minutes to 7 minutes. So do every day 2 times.

How to get rid of ulcers during stomatitis

Get rid of ulcers in the oral cavity is not so easy as I would like. This is because every yazve A large number of bacteria and microbes accumulate, which simply do not give to heal. In such cases, it is recommended to use special antibacterial toothpastes such as - Kurasept., President I. ParadonTax.

Treatment of stomatitis with medical facilities

Treatment of stomatitis with any Medical preparations are best carried out under the control of the specialist. There is a huge number of diverse gels, ointments, tablets and syrups to fight stomatitis, the most popular of them:

  • Stopangin;
  • Huxorad tABS;
  • Camistad.
  • Chlorophyllipt;
  • Lidocaine;
  • Holovaal..

All listed drugs almost instantly remove the inflammatory process. Also perfect for rinsing means on herbal basis - Rotokan. It helps to defeat bacteria and stop the inflammatory process.

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