How to get rid of the unpleasant smell of mouth

How to get rid of the unpleasant smell of mouth

An unpleasant smell of mouth has a scientific name - Halitoz. The reasons for this attack can be the most different - from insufficient oral hygiene to serious diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Without clarifying the real reason, everything you do, will give only a temporary effect.

Contact a specialist

An unpleasant smell in the mouth may be a symptom of a number of diseases. The correct diagnosis will put the doctor. Contact your dentist, otolaryngologist (Laura) and gastroenterologist. The dentist will help identify or eliminate damage to the teeth - caries, dental, as well as gum disease. The otolaryngologist will detect and help eliminate various nasopharynx diseases - pharyngitis, tonsillitis, lung disease. Even the usual runny nose can cause an unpleasant smell of mouth. The smell of acetone from the mouth is a reason to check for diabetes mellitus. It will identify the disease and tell about the methods of treating a gastroenterologist.

Spend independent research

It is possible to determine the cause of the smell of mouth and at home:

  • Inspect your own language in the mirror. It should be pink, without a yellow or white plaque. Find a flare - crush it with a toothbrush, and then skip the brush. Is there a smell? His reason - bacteria living in the language!
  • You can also check the language and in another way. Lisen the back side of the palm, and after a few seconds, you smell it.
  • Analyze your habits. Perhaps you often eat onions or garlic? Or smoke? In this case, get rid of the smell of mouth will help you exclusively. The cause of "aromas" can also be a diet or starvation.
  • Rate the amount of water you drink per day. If thirst torments you, saliva ceases to be produced in the mouth, and an unpleasant smell appears.

How to get rid of the smell of garlic and bow

Remove the collapse in the tongue and teeth

Destroy the unpleasant smell forever. Each useful habits:

  • Clean the language using a special scraper or at least a toothbrush. It is advisable to make this procedure after each meal.
  • Use the riffler for the mouth. Get your mouth at least 30 seconds. After rinsing, refrain from meals and smoking at least half an hour.
  • After eating, use toothpicks and tooth thread. They help to get rid of food pieces, delayed in the mouth.
  • Eat less proteins. Meat - Favorite food bacteria living on teeth.
  • Mint candy, chewing gum - express options that only briefly help in the fight against the smell of mouth. They are quite admissible to use, but the toothbrush, dental thread and the rinser of the candy will not replace.

Products helping to fight unpleasant odor

One food is able to cause an unpleasant odor, the other - effectively eliminates it. Some of the products-flavors are easy to find in any kitchen:

  • Green tea has antibacterial properties.
  • Raw vegetables and fruits - celery, apples, melon, as well as many berries - stimulate saliva production, clean teeth and destroy bacteria.
  • Greens and spices: Anise Seeds, Cardamon, Fennel; Parsley and dill leaves; Carnation and cinnamon. All these products have antibacterial properties and well mask unpleasant odors.

An unpleasant smell of mouth is not an occasion, but the problem you need to solve!

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