How to get rid of smell

How to get rid of smell

An unpleasant smell of feet is a real problem for both men and women. Nothing can spoil the overall impression of a man like a bad smell from him. Most often, this problem causes excessive sweating of the legs, which has a medical name - hyperhydrosis. It is quite easy to get rid of it, but provided that the person suffering from this disease will pay special attention to his feet for the entire treatment period. And in the future will take certain measures to avoid repeated manifestation of unpleasant symptoms. Let's consider the most effective methods to combat the unpleasant smell of feet.

Hyperhydrosis can be chronic, and can periodically arise due to various factors. Most often, people will sweat hard when they are very nervous or engaged in sports. Feet are overlooked, if a person has been in close shoes, made of artificial leather or for a long time in sports sneakers. The most common cause of sweating of the legs is the long wearing of socks or tights with a high content of synthetics. All these factors prevent the natural ventilation of the skin of the legs, resulting in a strengthened sweat selection. However, the sweat itself does not smell. It is a very comfortable medium for breeding a wide variety of bacteria, the stormy vital activity of which causes the appearance of an unpleasant odor. From all this, it follows that to combat sweating of the legs, first of all, it is necessary to replace synthetic socks on cotton and choose free shoes from natural materials.

To ensure the purity of the legs, it is necessary to make daily hygienic procedures. Feet need to be washed daily using soap and various means. In the presence of natopaths and oroging skin, it is worth making periodic breakage of legs in hot water and exfoliation of coarse leather with pumice. These procedures should be carried out daily until the skin on the legs becomes healthy, because it is a natoptyshi that is a source of unpleasant smell, even after the legs were thoroughly washed. Also do not forget about the nails. To avoid accumulation under them, the dirt must be monitored for their length and in time.

After you changed shoes, socks and led their feet in order, you need to treat them. In pharmacies and shops there is a wide selection of a wide variety of feet for legs. If you have to be in shoes for a long time, then you should try the funds that contain not only a pleasant fragrance, but also a small amount of antiseptic. It is the antiseptic that will help to resist the reproduction of bacteria on the legs of the legs and in the shoes, and therefore will not leave a single chance for the appearance of an unpleasant odor.

If in addition to excessive sweating of the legs, you feel a heavy itch, especially between your fingers, and there are watery blisters on your feet, you most likely developed fungal infection. A qualified doctor will help to get rid of it, which will appoint an antifungal drug in ointments for such a case, and possibly in pills. Therefore, you should not engage in self-medication. In this way you will not only be in vain to spend money, but also harvest your health.

There are many good methods in folk medicinehelping to get rid of the unpleasant smell and normalize foot sweating:

  1. Pretty effective for such cases are daily warm feet baths. Legs need to keep 20 minutes in 3 liters of hot water, in which 1,5 teaspoons of apple vinegar diluted. After the procedure, the leg is thoroughly wipe. It is not necessary to rinse with clean water.
  2. Thanks to the tanning substances, the usual black tea is very effective for the treatment of legs. Prepare a faint hot tea for your legs. Make daily tea baths for 20 minutes for 10 days. As a result, you get rid of the unpleasant smell and prevent the appearance of fungal infection.
  3. Soda compresses will help to get rid of smell. For this, 1 tablespoon is bred in a glass of hot water, watering the gauze compresses in it and put on his feet for 10 minutes. Feet after the procedure should be washed with cool water and wipe dry. Soda compresses make every night for 10 days.

Even after you get rid of the unpleasant smell, it is necessary to continue to follow hygiene measures, wearing comfortable shoes and periodically indulge your feet with medicinal baths.

Comments leave a comment
Denis 05/13/2019 at 12:00

To cure the fungus, because the bad smell is one of the symptoms of the fungus, at the very time there was this problem, I did not try to make the baths with iodine and smear the legs with Mizol Gel (I ordered a phytomarket in the online store, so more profitable), thanks to such measures I managed to get rid of the unpleasant smell and think that I won the fungus)

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Maria 08/02/2020 at 21:24

I suffer from excessive sweating of the legs, hence the unpleasant odor, despite thorough hygiene. I found a solution in the pharmacy for formagel. Nano gel on clean dry skin, which should be intact, without dermatological diseases, and wash off after half an hour. This procedure is enough for me for 8-9 days so that there is no sweating and smell.

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