How to get rid of the unpleasant smell of sweat

How to get rid of the unpleasant smell of sweat

Together with the onset of the warmth of the year, for many the inconvenience time comes, which are associated with sweating and unpleasant odor. Some are experiencing such problems at any time of the year. You need to deal with this. Understanding the mechanism of the problem. There are several ways to combat sweat smell that may be very effective.

What is the sweating

The sweat is produced in sweat glands that are in the depths of the dermis. They represent their modified dairy glands. The largest cluster is in the area of \u200b\u200bthe axillary depression. That is why it is the zone of the most intensive sweating.

Sweat is needed to provide thermoregulation. In hot weather, when the basic cooling systems of the body may not cope with their task, the sweat begins to stand out. It covers the skin and begins to evaporate, which leads to the cooling of its surface. This mechanism works especially well on a hot temperature with low humidity.

Why there is an unpleasant smell of sweat

The sweat, which only stood out, almost does not smell. But it is an excellent habitat of bacteria. They are provided with heat and nutrients. It is bacteria that become the perpetrators of the emergence of an unpleasant odor, which comes from the products of their livelihoods. Based on this, the main forces in the fight against the smell of sweat must be directed to the destruction of bacteria.

Silver ions will help to cope with the unpleasant sweat smell

Silver - very useful for the human body element. It is destructive in relation to many pathogenic bacteria, viruses, fungi and simple microorganisms. Silver can be disinfeated water and food. Recently, silver ions began to add to the composition of antiperspirants. They destroy the bacteria, which prevents the appearance of an unpleasant odor. Also silver has an anti-inflammatory effect, which will be useful to people with sensitive skin.

Natural fabric clothes will help to cope with the unpleasant sweat smell

Everything is more difficult, it becomes easy to find clothes from fully natural fabrics in stores. Such clothes are more expensive and harder to contact her. But the synthetics is harmful to the body and does not allow the skin to fully "breathe." This leads to the weak flow of oxygen to the skin, which improves the living conditions for anaerobic bacteria. They begin to breed intensively and produce more livelihood products with an unpleasant smell. Therefore, you need to wear only natural clothes.

Medical definition of the place of the greatest cluster of sweat glands

The problem of an unpleasant smell may remain even after the compliance with the above councils. The reason for this may be non-standard accumulation of sweat glands. In this case, it is necessary to contact the dermatologist for conducting a special test. A special diagnostic cream or film is applied on the skin of the axillary depression and nearby areas. During the sweating, she changes its color in places where sweat is most. Some people have a lot of sweat glands can be outside the axillary depression. Knowing their location of their localization, antibacterial antiperspirants can be aimed.

Hormonal correction can help cope with the unpleasant sweat smell

Thyroid gland produces several hormones. Triiodothyronine and thyroxine have a catabolic effect, which enhances all metabolic processes in the body and contributes to the development of a large amount of energy and heat. As a result, there is a frequent and abundant sweating. These hormones can be produced rapidly with thyrotoxicosis, thyroid inflammation or under node zob. Such patients quickly lose weight, have a reinforced appetite, high blood pressure and frequent pulse. With this problem you need to contact the endocrinologist.

You can cope with the unpleasant smell of sweat, but only understanding the reason for its occurrence. Potting is the physiological process that the body is saved from overheating. But the bacteria living in it are alien and you need to fight with them. Also do not forget about the possible hormonal causes of this problem.


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Natalia 10/31/12 at 11:17

When it smells later - this is a real attack. I save deonica. She helps well.

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Alyona 24/05/2020 at 0:07.

With an increased sweating to get rid of the smell of sweat, it is very difficult, I personally don't even help antiperspirants. Well, at least in the pharmacy, a good tool was advised - a formagel. My armpits from him for a few days dry remains and the unpleasant smell does not appear.

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