How to remove the smell of sweat

How to remove the smell of sweat

The selection of sweat is a natural process for the human body that provides thermoregulation and withdrawal of harmful substances through the outer cover of the body. However, the smell of sweat, if it is very strong, deliver a lot of inconvenience to the owner, who seeks, by all means, get rid of this problem. The resistant smell of sweat is quite difficult, but there are some recommendations that will help significantly reduce its "aroma".

Take the shower regularly and very cool if it is contrasting. Dry wipe the towel with a good absorbent base.

Conduct water procedures using body washing products with antibacterial or deodorizing effect. This will to some extent will help in the fight against bacteria that cause an unpleasant sweat smell.

Abundant vegetation on the body contributes to the formation of a caustic fragrance. Timely removal of hair in the axillary depressions and in the bikini zone will partly save from strong sweating, respectively, from the smell of sweat too.

Use perfume antiperspirants and deodorants, applying them to the clean and dry surface of the skin of particularly disturbing places. Important! Refrain for some time from using cosmetic data directly after shaving, in order to avoid strong irritation.

With particular need to use medical antiperspirants that can be bought in a pharmacy, and they can be used on all sweating areas of the skin, however, not so often with caution, having familiarized themselves with contraindications in the instructions for use.

Your body reacts to cosmetics and medical reaction to the allergic reaction - experiment with folk remedies that grandparents still use.

Add an oak decoction into the bath, beware of the tar soap, wipe the problem places with a decoction of a turn with several lemon juice droplets or chamomile decoction with the addition of food soda or apple vinegar overnight, use potato starch as a sprinkle for wet zones.


If pronounced and increased sweating (hyperhydrosis) is a consequence of chronic diseases of the body, then, most likely, the above methods of combating "fragrant" are not even accustomed to the proper result, or affect a very short time. In no case should you neglect advice with your doctor, so as not to aggravate the situation.

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Zoya 10/07/2018 at 11:35.

All these advice is useless when you come across with menopause. For example, I was tormented constantly, in the end, I shatter, I apologize for the expression like a horse. Now I saves the cycle of Alanin and teas from the leaf of blackberries, helps that he is very pleased. So I primarily for finding out the reason for excessive sweating ...

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Valentina 08/09/2018 at 12:11

I hope that Menopause I am still far away, but the high sweating began to appear as a symptom of diabetic neuropathy. Assigned a thiocutacid BV course, the drug has useful properties for our body and unpleasant symptoms almost ceased to feel.

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Oksana 02/28/2019 at 16:55

Yes, with hyperhydrosis, you must consult a doctor. If there are no problems with health, it is possible to eliminate excessive sweating using a formagel.

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